Recent content by rexanglorum

  1. rexanglorum

    ***Official Political Discussion Thread***

    Unfortunately, this is super relevant to the US. In fact, the US is an exaggerated version of this. Los Angeles makes Johannesburg look like Munich or Barcelona, in fact. If I had dictatorial power, my primary goal would be to make rich NIMBYs cry. I'd put so many high quality, income...
  2. rexanglorum

    ***Official Political Discussion Thread***

  3. rexanglorum

    ***Official Political Discussion Thread***

  4. rexanglorum

    ***Official Political Discussion Thread***

    He’s going to start playing Common’s “Letter to the Free” at all his rallies now.
  5. rexanglorum

    ***Official Political Discussion Thread***

    This and the fact that conservatives are shedding crocodile tears over college campuses not being safe spaces for Zionists, it’s all very funny. ❄️❄️❄️❄️❄️❄️❄️❄️
  6. rexanglorum

    ***Official Political Discussion Thread***

  7. rexanglorum

    Israel declares War - Destruction of Gaza / Growing conflict in Middle East

    Mexico might soon be the prime example of the fact that Zionist=/=Jewish. It seems likely that Mexico will elect its first ever Jewish President as it starts to severe ties is the state of Israel.
  8. rexanglorum

    ***Official Political Discussion Thread***

    Thesis: Da Hemi Antithesis: Cyber Trucks Antithesis: World class transit system whose train cars run on electric Hemis. vroom vroom
  9. rexanglorum

    ***Official Political Discussion Thread***

    Zionist want this to happen to Americans as well. As long as Israel exists, we are not safe.
  10. rexanglorum

    ***Official Political Discussion Thread***

    If actors are, IRL, the sum total of their movie roles. The right wing should not worry, they got Hercules on their side!
  11. rexanglorum

    ***Official Political Discussion Thread***

    Due to ruthless deindustrialization in Bluffington, Doug had no choice but to open up 15 fraudulent social justice 501c’s and claim that he’s actually Black. The boy, once known as Doug Funny, became Talcum X.
  12. rexanglorum

    Israel declares War - Destruction of Gaza / Growing conflict in Middle East

    How so? I know that Hedges’ rhetoric can be a bit dramatic, but I don’t see where he’s going wrong with the substance of his argument. With rising political authoritarianism and destabilization from climate change, it seems like there will only be more situations where there’s millions of...
  13. rexanglorum

    ***Official Political Discussion Thread***

    @kdawg I know you know way more about this than me so correct where I'm going wrong. Isn't it the case that the most rock solid Tory voters are basically boomers who got to own/buy their Council House very very cheaply during the Thatcher Years and most of them now rent that house out now...
  14. rexanglorum

    ***Official Political Discussion Thread***

    This game of Liberals and Leftists playing chicken with the prospect of Donald Trump's second term, it has to stop. We need to defeat Trump and Netanyahu this year. Leftists need to grow a brain and be willing to vote strategically. Liberals need to get some damn heart and courage and...
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