Recent content by me love nutella

  1. me love nutella

    Israel declares War - Destruction of Gaza / Growing conflict in Middle East

    From Biden's speech: So, I was surprised how this sounds quite upfront from Biden that Israel is incapable of winning military conflicts either in Gaza or on the northern front with Lebanon, with Hezbollah. He’s basically telling Israelis that if you want “calm,” you have to do a deal. This...
  2. me love nutella

    Israel declares War - Destruction of Gaza / Growing conflict in Middle East

    Israel’s far-right finance minister: ‘We will ruin the West Bank like Gaza’ In a video post on X, Bezalel Smotrich can be seen making threats to Palestinians in the occupied West Bank. “Our message to the neighbours beyond the fence in Tulkarem, Nur Shams, Shuweika and Qalqilya: We will turn...
  3. me love nutella

    Israel declares War - Destruction of Gaza / Growing conflict in Middle East

    Look at the framing..."Judeo-Christian civilization" For real, it's always these bozos that are the 'jihadis' with nuclear weapons framing it into some religious/civilization war.
  4. me love nutella

    Israel declares War - Destruction of Gaza / Growing conflict in Middle East

    Yup, for sure this war is for the longer haul. Seriously, at this rate, Gaza's population will be decimated, but that's the point. That is what I was telling my BFF who's been pushing me to do MORE like call MPs here in Canada, and show up at protests and encampments, at this point, what...
  5. me love nutella

    Israel declares War - Destruction of Gaza / Growing conflict in Middle East

    Valid points. I am just trying to think here that basically Netanyahu is just going out with a bang, but there's now pressure against him and optics all around looking very bad for him and his allies. They keep losing support because his government is seen as a liability during election year...
  6. me love nutella

    Israel declares War - Destruction of Gaza / Growing conflict in Middle East

    So ,Hamas was in this for the long game, and I had read somewhere they have enough stocks of weapons for a year. But it was unverified. My opinion is Hamas wants to bring down Netanyahu's government from within and stretch them out and wear Israel's military thin, especially once they get to...
  7. me love nutella

    Israel declares War - Destruction of Gaza / Growing conflict in Middle East

    Very interesting take in this tweet... This was also my prediction. But I can't see Israel actually going this far with the international pressure and from within the call for hostage swap. Also, the fact it is in their books to go to full out war with Lebanon. I hate this world.
  8. me love nutella

    Israel declares War - Destruction of Gaza / Growing conflict in Middle East

    Yes, oil wasn't the MAIN motivation, but pipeline politics was a major factor, along with regime change. In fact, this does all tie back to Israel. Why? Israel wanted to revive this pipeline form Kirkuk (Iraqi Kurdistan) all the way to Haifa which was stopped in 1948 in protest by Iraq for the...
  9. me love nutella

    Israel declares War - Destruction of Gaza / Growing conflict in Middle East

    In the book I read, the author straight up implicates Cheney, Rumsfeld and Bush not only as pretext to attack Iraq, but also Afghanistan, and basically 9/11 was the pretext. One very relevant justification and motivation had to do with pipeline business and politics. The author's theory is the...
  10. me love nutella

    Israel declares War - Destruction of Gaza / Growing conflict in Middle East

    It is because they have different aims and goals. I do not think Saudi Arabia sees Yemen as territory to confiscate or take to extend as part of greater Saudi Arabia. All they care about is the pipelines, the straits, as well as pretext to destroy the Houthis who are allied with their arch...
  11. me love nutella

    Israel declares War - Destruction of Gaza / Growing conflict in Middle East

    Revealed: Israeli spy chief ‘threatened’ ICC prosecutor over war crimes inquiry Just because as a Western state spouts freedom and liberal rights, doesn't mean you're not the mafia. So-called liberal and democratic states wear the cloak of democracy and freedom to give you enough freedoms so...
  12. me love nutella

    Israel declares War - Destruction of Gaza / Growing conflict in Middle East

    Just found this published 8 days ago: Looks like the lawsuit has already been launched.
  13. me love nutella

    Israel declares War - Destruction of Gaza / Growing conflict in Middle East

    I believe it. You need to read also into the commision and inquiries of the 9/11 survivors and their families that have been trying to invesitgate Saudi Arabia's role but the U.S. government has been denying it. I will go look into that book again on the pipeline politics that had a chapter...
  14. me love nutella

    Israel declares War - Destruction of Gaza / Growing conflict in Middle East

    Agreed on everything. I read this book on pipeline politics and their conclusion was certain countries and regimes were propped and used as military outposts to serve each other in the region, and Israel and Saudi are actually protectors of each other to serve Western imperialism. I also agree...
  15. me love nutella

    Israel declares War - Destruction of Gaza / Growing conflict in Middle East

    But, sure, let's go on about equivalency between the occupied and occupiers.
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