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  1. deuce king

    Uber Driver killed by 13 and 15 yr old in DC

    This is what happens when you spar the rod……….you end up spoiling the child. Which ends up ruining the community. We have a lot of individuals in this very thread to thank for this behavior from these juveniles out here unfortunately.
  2. deuce king

    Uber Driver killed by 13 and 15 yr old in DC

    That “key segment” @DCAllAfrican is filled with excuses, upon excuses………upon excuses. The world doesn’t owe anyone sympathy, let alone a kid who just armed carjacked someone. These kids know what they are doing is wrong…..don’t be fooled. At the end of the day if their own father and mother...
  3. deuce king

    Uber Driver killed by 13 and 15 yr old in DC

    So in other words…….another judge decided NOT to spare the rod in the form of punishment/discipline…….which would have continued to only spoil the child. Interesting.
  4. deuce king

    Uber Driver killed by 13 and 15 yr old in DC

    “My opinion holds the least amount of weight”……but yet you keep on replying to me and quoting me because you need my attention……and you need me as a father figure in your life. Someone who you need to look up to, it’s okay son…I’m here to help. “Incel”…… that is a feminist talking point...
  5. deuce king

    Uber Driver killed by 13 and 15 yr old in DC

    Matthew 7:15
  6. deuce king

    Uber Driver killed by 13 and 15 yr old in DC

    You can’t and won’t deny anything I said about you just now because it’s true. Cassie already got her millions from the situation and your out here Cassie Caping on her behalf for free. Once a simp……always a simp. Fruit doesn’t fall far from the tree that bears it. Since this Cassie Caping card...
  7. deuce king

    Uber Driver killed by 13 and 15 yr old in DC

    Sit your Cassie Cape wearing simping *** down somewhere. You act like Cassie is going to give you some of her millions because she sees some sucker like you online trying to defend her. This is how NOT to act as a man to everyone out there. You never would know NT is mostly dudes by some of...
  8. deuce king

    Uber Driver killed by 13 and 15 yr old in DC

    Absolutely champ. Proverbs 13:24
  9. deuce king

    Uber Driver killed by 13 and 15 yr old in DC

    Somewhere……even in this very thread there’s someone saying….”We need more programs”. Nah…..we need more jails and quite possibly looking into physical torture/punishment depending on the crime committed.
  10. deuce king

    Black Culture Discussion Thread

    Stop it champ. Them folks BEEN fighting over land over there since the days of the Bible. That ain’t got a dam thing to do with black folks…….and we NEED to understand that. We wish all parties the best, but we need to understand that we have no real allies…..and that’s okay. Blacks folks...
  11. deuce king

    Black Culture Discussion Thread

    That’s even worse if they don’t really care about Gaza (which I understand). To me it’s just looks bad when I see black people being concerned about things that don’t pertain to us. Let alone protesting………which is the biggest waste of time.
  12. deuce king

    Black Culture Discussion Thread

    Black folks stay worried about the wrong things. Gaza and everything over there has nothing to do with US. A graduation ain’t the time or place to make some so called political statement. Turn your attention elsewhere.
  13. deuce king

    Black Culture Discussion Thread

  14. deuce king

    Rap About Nothing: Hip Hop Chat Thread

    Are you THAT emotional that you bring up a conversation from 6 months ago just to have your voice heard today??
  15. deuce king

    Black Culture Discussion Thread

    This is by far one of if not the main point that should be taken from this thread!!
  16. deuce king

    Black Culture Discussion Thread

    We don’t have time for ****** crying on camera man……enough is enough. This ***** DSERVES to be fired immediately…..if not sooner.
  17. deuce king

    Black Culture Discussion Thread

    Black men………we gotta protect our image better than this.
  18. deuce king

    Black Culture Discussion Thread

    Ignorance of the law is no excuse champ. Weed is ILLEGAL in certain American states. To think or have no clue of the ramifications and or consequences of voluntary bringing marijuana to a DICTATOR ran country like Russia of all places shows an inexcusable lack of regard and mindset. So with...
  19. deuce king

    Black Culture Discussion Thread

    Exactly…….no self accountability whatsoever, black folks are falling for her propaganda stunt left and right. She did the crime……so she had to do the time. Griner VOLUNTARILY signed up for jail, no sympathy from me. She asked for it……and Putin gave it to her.
  20. deuce king

    Black Culture Discussion Thread

    There’s always one……SMH. Griner LEADS with being gay/lesbian. If you let some members of the gay community tell it they actually feel/believe that they are a separate race. In a month you are going to see Griner at each and every Pride Parade every city nationwide has to offer. You didn’t see...
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