Resolved Still not able to post pics from mobile device

Oct 31, 2007
I am trying to upload pics from a mobile device, but as soon as I'm prompted back to the reply section of NT, it will notify me the pic is unable to upload because there isnt enough memory.

My mobile device in a Galaxy S7 (android OS)
I've been trying to upload pictures in the nike retro forum, but no luck.
Also browse on NT mobile via Chrome.
Hi there, thanks for your note. I'm using a Galaxy S7 also and I just uploaded a photo from my phone directly to the post. Can you let me know if you're still unable to upload your desired photo? I'd be happy to help.
Thanks steph it finally works.
Before, I cleard cache and cookies, didnt work... but now, I did the same exact uploading steps as I've done before and it's fixed! Not sure what went wrong
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