Recent content by crumps brother

  1. crumps brother

    Official Supreme Thread Vol:SS24 Week week 16 30th Anniversary

    The metal supports on the windows, at the base there are spaces that were about the same width and height as the pocket knife I hid it in one of those behind a trash can
  2. crumps brother

    Official Supreme Thread Vol:SS24 Week week 16 30th Anniversary

    Arrived back at Ronald Reagan airport and my keychain was still there
  3. crumps brother

    Official Supreme Thread Vol:SS24 Week week 16 30th Anniversary

    My daughter needed a nighttime shirt because she didn’t pack pajamas
  4. crumps brother

    Official Supreme Thread Vol:SS24 Week week 16 30th Anniversary

    Had to leave this behind at Ronald Reagan airport Hopefully it’s still where I hid it when I come home next week
  5. crumps brother

    Official Supreme Thread Vol:SS24 Week week 16 30th Anniversary

    Wearing my daughters new pit vipers
  6. crumps brother

    Adidas ORIGINALS updates

  7. crumps brother

    Official Supreme Thread Vol:SS24 Week week 16 30th Anniversary

    He showed up to the business meeting with his Supreme gear… Past weekend Tonight Camp cap has to be 20 years old by now
  8. crumps brother

    Anyone disc golf?

  9. crumps brother

    Anyone disc golf?

    Breathing some life into this thread with an ace I threw today
  10. crumps brother

    Jordan IV Military Blue - May 4, 2024

    Failed release if @cedb713 didn’t get a pair
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