Air Kukini Retro (2022)

As an old head who had the OG waters back in the day, I wanted to get these, but I just couldn't pull the trigger. Probably because I'm reformed in my buying habits, and the price had to be stupid good to do so. I even sat on them while they are on NDC for like $62.97. But today, things changed!


$37.48!!! 🤯🤯🤯 And I checked them, they weren't worn. If they were, it wasn't more than once. So I headed to Costco to get water. The Nike Outlet is next door, so I went in as I always do, to "SEE" if anything good is there. I haven't scored on ANYTHING good there in years! Last pair was the Magenta Huaraches for $63 a few years back and before that, I grabbed the Letterman 1s for $109.99 less 20% (I love that pair). Yes that long ago.

So when I walked down the center aisle and turn to loop back up (where the new runners are) I spotted these at he end where the "refurbished" pairs are. I did a double take as I didn't expect them. Turned around and saw they're a 12. I said, let me see if they fit.

DAMN RIGHT THEY DO!! 🙏🙏🙏🙏 A thumbnail's width of length at the toe on my bigger foot. So I looked and saw 30% off. Did the calculations...$44.10. SOLD. It wasn't until I got up to the register that the guy asked for my Nike Pass and that got me an additional 15% off. I was dumbstruck. He said he total was $37.48! My lucky freaking day!! Like I said I NEVER hit on ANYTHING good at the outlets. But you never know. 👏👏 Oh and this DEFINITELY qualifies as a STUPID low price.
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