Recent content by usernamepun

  1. usernamepun

    Fools Wildin Thinking They Doing It Unappreciation Vol Get The @#*+ out

    One of those fellows has been in a lot of fights and one of them has watched a lot of YouTube videos about fighting.
  2. usernamepun

    the thread about nothing...

    This is the first time the meme “BRUH” popped up in my head like I was scrolling… Car dealerships are Wild.
  3. usernamepun

    the thread about nothing...

    As soon as I secured a new job I hibernated mine. It’s such a trash site— I can’t believe it’s still a thing.
  4. usernamepun

    the thread about nothing...

    I don’t think you were wrong. Folks have forgotten how to be face-to-face, I think. I went into a place asking questions today before I show up for the purchase and the dude there was so rude I left feeling like I wouldn’t bring my business there. Yes, I’m Old. But it seems a real deficit—...
  5. usernamepun

    Fools Wildin Thinking They Doing It Unappreciation Vol Get The @#*+ out

    What an idiot. Love it.
  6. usernamepun

    the thread about nothing...

    We shifted realities that day— look at all that followed!
  7. usernamepun

    the thread about nothing...

    We live as long as people carry us in memory. Strength to you and your people!
  8. usernamepun

    the thread about nothing...

    Shhhhhhh... 200 M is a problem. I'd give him 198 M and never be seen again.
  9. usernamepun

    the thread about nothing...

    I’m not sure if that photo is supposed to be heartwarming or sad, but it does make me feel incredibly Old. Damn!
  10. usernamepun

    the thread about nothing...

    Springtime is Loud around here too.
  11. usernamepun

    the thread about nothing...

    I buy when it’s over 300 million. I could use it. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
  12. usernamepun

    Fools Wildin Thinking They Doing It Unappreciation Vol Get The @#*+ out

    There are cheaper options 😄
  13. usernamepun

    the thread about nothing...

    F that guy— he sounds like a miserable person to work with.
  14. usernamepun

    Fools Wildin Thinking They Doing It Unappreciation Vol Get The @#*+ out

    I think it’s very easy to be against a guy who can’t figure out what he’s supposed to be saying and what directions he’s supposed to be ignoring (Pause for cheering) and also be against Orange Don. Both men are too old to do anything besides golf, tell dubious stories and give questionable advice.
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