Moments That Made You Realize You’re Washed

I just watched a tutorial on how to do tap to pay :blush:
If anyone has any tips to drop, it would be much appreciated.

My air lock conclusion is based on the fact that the pump kicks on, runs for an extended period (5 mins), shuts off for an extended period...water does move up the pipe but only moves beyond the check valve by an inch or 2. When the pump shuts off, you hear the watee go back down the pipe.

I removed the check valve, confirmed the flap moves. Ran the pump without the valve in place and saw the water just bouncing up and down in the pipe. 6 feet short of getting high enough to make the turn in the pvc pipe to travel the additional 4 feet to exit the drain pipe.
Yeah, so I paid some folks 175 bucks in labor to come out and replace the pump. If I had of known replacement was the only step, I def would have tried it myself.

Entire time I'm watching them do it, I'm saying to myself, yep, I could have done that...yep, could have done that. By the time they were done, I said to myself I should have done this.

Granted it took them about 60 minutes which would probably been around 5 hours for me (few hiccups they had the tools to I don't have), but still.

Alright, yeah, that 175 bucks was worth 5 hours of my Friday, **** it.
Taking pride in my lawn progress. The dethatching and manual core aeration were a ***** but its paying off. Spent about 10 hours total over 2 Sundays.

Not taking progress pics. Don’t need the best lawn, just a better one. The easy part is the cutting, weeding, fertilizing, and watering.
Taking pride in my lawn progress. The dethatching and manual core aeration were a ***** but its paying off. Spent about 10 hours total over 2 Sundays.

Not taking progress pics. Don’t need the best lawn, just a better one. The easy part is the cutting, weeding, fertilizing, and watering.
I have a not great yard but this dethatching and aeration sound made up. I ended up looking it up…people can’t stick a screwdriver into their yard???
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