PG is dead to me.

He really has the most overrated handle. Idk if other people just watch his highlights but the guy has the sloppiest handle in the league. Dribbling off his own foot, losing the ball, getting stripped. Every iso is an adventure :lol:

I think it’s mutual at this point. He’ll probably head to Philly or one of those young teams with money
Heck of a season boys! Glad it's over and we don't have to stress about these boys for the rest of the post season. Not sure what moves can be made this offseason but we cannot run it back, that's for damn sure! DO NOT bring this stank/bad juju to the new Initut Dome!
^^^ Early reports are saying that some version of running it back is most likely. Ballmer doesn't want to open Intuit with a rebuilding team. That said, I have this feeling that PG is going to have contract demands that the team isn't willing to meet and we'll be forced to make a move with him.
Yeah, we’re running it back…

It kinda isn’t up to us tho right? Couldn’t PG and Harden choose to leave? Please leave :lol:
It kinda isn’t up to us tho right? Couldn’t PG and Harden choose to leave? Please leave :lol:
I don’t think Harden did quite enough in his time here that he’ll have better options than coming back to LAC.

I could see PG leaving though if a team like Philly offers him a bigger bag.
i think harden stays, he begged to be traded the clips because he feels (maybe he was also promised) to get the best deal (similar to kyrie? 3yr/100m might be good enough?)

other teams also has to be weary because this is a guy who has been unhappy the past few years and forced his way out so even if he signs with that team, who knows what he's gon' want once the season starts and i think the clips might be his best chance at even getting close to a chip, like could the lakers offer him more?

pg on the other hand i could see being part of a sign and trade if clips do not give him similar $$$ as kawhi

and thats brings us to kawhi, it might have been a mistake to sign him so prematurely, yah it was alluring when he was healthy and back to prime kawhi so it seemed like you got to keep this guy but then he went down again and you are just reminded this is going to be him year after year, im saying do not keep kawhi but maybe offer less because now you got the other star who wants equal pay and while he isnt as good, he at least was available (this year :lol: )

i just think this team runs it back and maybe hope kai jones can be that long, young and athletic guy they need? im not sure who else they could add but i think the same starting 5 is gon' open intuit
watching all these games and its just the new young guns era now

no matter what the clips do, no matter what, i think they'll be cooked if they keep kawhi as their best player with harden/pg combos

the way these guys are running and jumping, these slow old clips just wont be able to keep up
Yup, that’s how I see it. Gotta replace 2 of them with youth. The easiest to replace are PG and Harden due to Kawhi’s extension. We’re the oldest team in the league and it shows.
watching all these games and its just the new young guns era now

no matter what the clips do, no matter what, i think they'll be cooked if they keep kawhi as their best player with harden/pg combos

the way these guys are running and jumping, these slow old clips just wont be able to keep up
And to add to your points, the Ty Lue Iso offensive ain't gonna help in this era either. The game is too fast!
yea, that was Lue’s fault because he wanted a PG. but I don’t think Hartenstein would have made a difference. He’s excelling in NY because he’s surrounded by dogs that give 100% effort all game. He’d be the only one trying here :lol:
you know what, im fine with this team running it back

just gon pray for some of that celtics luck

1st round - luka hurt and doesnt play
2nd round - sga and holmgren hurt and doesnt play
wcf - jokic, and gordon hurt and doesnt play then murray gets suspended because he threw another heat pack
finals - the whole clippers team just healthy and live with the result but it would be nice if giannis/tatum/butler are hurt and doesnt play

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