Recent content by b20 eg8

  1. b20 eg8

    First login in 6 years , Update Me

    Thread bringing back a lot of memories. Anyone ever know what happened to Phar0? I think that was the SN. Used to dig his style in the WDYWTD threads.
  2. b20 eg8

    The Official Photography Thread - Vol. 3

    To go along with the Porsche theme, was able to capture this over the weekend at a local meet.
  3. b20 eg8

    The Official Photography Thread - Vol. 3

    ^ What part of Cali you in? Also, for anyone traveling or moving to a new city or hell, even finding new spots in your city. Spots app is money. Don’t forget to get out and explore too!
  4. b20 eg8

    The Official Photography Thread - Vol. 3

    Glad to see folks poppin in. Looking forward to seeing some photos from everyone soon.
  5. b20 eg8

    The Official Photography Thread - Vol. 3

    For those that primarily shoot and post iG, I'm assuming you mostly shoot in portrait orientation? Only asking because that is what I found myself doing. Haha I have a bunch of landscape oriented photos that need to get out into the ethos. @Fong$tarr , I feel you on that. I've taken years...
  6. b20 eg8

    The Official Photography Thread - Vol. 3

    ^^ That landscape shot up top is ****! I can't shoot landscape for the life of me. Haha. The images just don't speak to me like they do when others shoot them. I was having a similar convo with someone recently about something maybe kinda similar...... As an artist, I know what I create...
  7. b20 eg8

    The Official Photography Thread - Vol. 3

    Fair enough fellas, I’m here to get this thread back on track. I need somewhere to post full size images. 😂 Don’t forget to go back and re-edit those old photos or even what you thought were throwaways at the time. For my automotive folks.
  8. b20 eg8

    The Official Photography Thread - Vol. 3

    Where is everyone at? Everyone stopped shooting? :nerd:
  9. b20 eg8

    The Official Photography Thread - Vol. 3

    ^^ Appreciate the kind words. Here is a couple of more from that day. Ended up shooting around 900 photos. 😂
  10. b20 eg8

    The Official Photography Thread - Vol. 3

    Hit a Crit race over the weekend, got some photos. Anyone in LA area? Always looking for new folks to shoot with.
  11. b20 eg8

    Official Supreme Thread FW 21: Happy New Year

    Actually doubled back and grabbed the small box crew in Olive. Don't know how I overlooked that initially. Would have loved to NOT pay double shipping. :lol:
  12. b20 eg8

    Official Supreme Thread FW 21: Happy New Year

    Was thinking a server got damaged or something but guess that wasn't the case. Black Gonz Tee and out for me.
  13. b20 eg8

    Official Supreme Thread FW 21: Happy New Year

    Wasn't NY under water a few days ago? Think that's the culprit here?
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