Oh I'm sorry, Did I Break Your Conversation........Well Allow Me A Movie Thread by S&T

Felt this when I went to see Dune 2 and seeing folks on their phone and talking after the previews :smh:

Some older guy told them off emphatically and everyone else in there showed appreciation for that :lol:

Will never understand going to pay money to go to the movies just to sit down and do what you can do literally at any other moment throughout the day for free when you're there :lol:
So I watched I Saw the TV Glow and yea not sure what I just saw lol. Movie was a super bizarre mind eff and left me with so many questions. Had some cool odes to the 90s though like a Fruitopia vending machine, Fred Durst as the Dad even though I didn't recognize him initially and also a certain duo from a Nick show many 80s babies have likely seen. Movie was all over the place with lots of red and dark lighting throughout. Ending is very unsatisfying and movie takes a depressing turn towards last quarter of its runtime. Very much a slowburn and Justice Smith's voice was very unnerving with how they had him mumble dialogue much of the film. 3.5/8

Sidenote: movie also reminded me of times where I said I was at one friend's house but then snuck over to another friends' where their parents either didn't care or their room was out of earshot. Do kids still sneak out? I also remember a gal in HS who ran away at age 17 and finally returned a few months later. The 90s to early 00s were a different time and not sure if this kind of stuff happens all that often anymore or I'm just washed and out of the know lol.
A lot of teen-aged kids do it for a spot to hang out away from their parents’ houses for 2-3 hours, or a spot to hang with their girlfriend. They then, treat it like a social event.
This is what malls used to be for but yea they're dying out so their seems to be less spots for that these days :lol: :smh:

Sitting your butt in a cinema seat in front of a big screen isn't supposed to be social by design though which is why it's one of the rare things that gets me feeling like grandpa simpson sometimes :lol:
I saw the original Strangers and I’m good off that. It was well made and well acted, but I was mainly frustrated the whole time and thinking “these are the most annoying killers in horror movie history; I can’t believe they’re winning.”

I don’t need that experience again. :lol:

Well, I can't wait. A 2nd Legend 🔥
More and more and more Bad Boys 🔥
28 Years Later? 28 Decades Later 🔥
Leon the Professional? Mathilda The Unprofessional 🔥
Wag the Dog? Chase the Cat 🔥
Gooder Will Hunting 🔥
As Gooder As It Gets🔥
Bigger Fish 🔥
Gump, Jr 🔥
Just keep every story going.
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