50 Common Misconceptions

I love random facts like this. I could probably watch these vids all day long. I wonder how many of these he was wrong about, if any, surely he can't be 100% positive of each claim. still interesting tho.
You learn something new every day. I really thought Napolean was about 5'2. They make him seem that

way on t.v and other things. 5'7 is short, but not THAT short.
cliffs on the good ones, cant watch at work..  
Cliffs off the top of the dome
Cesar salad wasn't named after Julius Caesar, but some other ceaser in Mexico.

Napoleon didn't have napoleon's complex because he actually slightly above average height,for his time,5 7.

Freezing batteries does no good.

Swallowing gum will not result in gum lingering in your body for years.

Al Gore didn't say he invented the Internet.

Sarah Palin didn't say she could see Russia from her house.

Nowhere in casablanca did anyone say play it again sam

Ron burgandy said never said "well that escalated quickly" replace well with boy.

Some queen didn't have eleven fingers.

Iron Maiden torture device never existed

You can't catch warts from frogs.

Great wall of China isn't visible from space with the naked eye

The declaration of independence wasn't signed on hemp, it was signed on parchment.

It wasn't signed on July 4th,it was signed on august something

That's all I can think of now.
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