50 years of beats and sneaker

Sep 30, 2006

I'm happy to announce OSD & SOLEcial Studies latest sneaker exhibition titled "From The Feet Up: 50 Years of Beats & Sneaks" in partnership with the esteemed Mana Contemporary in Jersey City, New Jersey. This exhibition is created in celebration of Hip-Hop Culture's 50th anniversary and the inseparable marriage to sneakers.

The good folks at Mana are throwing a VIP "Sneaker Ball" opening reception on Friday, April 28th from 7pm to 11 pm at the Mana Contemporary located at 888 Newark Avenue, Jersey City NJ 07306. There will be Art, Music, Food and Drinks in effect! AND FREE PARKING!!!

Interested? You can purchase tickets to the event here https://www.eventbrite.com/e/sneaker-ball-vip-event-at-mana-contemporary-tickets-622112373857

If you can't make it on Friday, the public debut of the exhibition will be on Sunday, April 30th, from Noon to 6 pm as part of Mana's Open Studios Day This day is a great 2nd option to attend.

I hope to see you all soon!
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