Devil Baby Prank

No lie I was telling myself, "they should've made the baby projectile vomit." Then 3 secs later it did. :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

Who in their right mind would approach a stroller moving by itself?

That baby would've gotten the Dave Chappell corner baby treatment, I'm sorry.
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saw this earlier
it was used to promote devils due that come out this weekend
same company that did some of those other viral pranks for movies
My dead hit a lean like he got crossed over [emoji]128514[/emoji][emoji]128514[/emoji][emoji]128514[/emoji][emoji]128514[/emoji] I was dying at the baby flipping the bird at the cops
I like how they're marketing movies now days, it's good. In place of ads, they make viral videos.
I knew it was for that movie befp re I clicked play. Unlike the Carrie and Chucky videos this one made me wanna go see the movie
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