Donald Trump has the chance to be the best POTUS of all time...

Jan 28, 2013
Let me play devils advocate in reference to President Donald Trump. In order to TRULY fix something, you have to fix it at the source of the problem. In many instances when humans attempt to fix things(especially in reference to personality, emotion, and character) we never really fix them at the source. Externally we will fix ourselves to a point where we are perceived to have it all together. Internally we will use cognitive dissonance in an attempt to rationalize the external persona that we are displaying. At times that rationalization doesn’t work... causing depression, anxiety, and other psychological disorders. We don’t really want to look ourselves in the mirror and face our truths, because a lot of us don’t want anything to do with our truths. A lot of our truths are UGLY. Now in reference to Trump... what if his intent as president was to unearth all of the issues that have always covertly existed in America... issues that have been intentionally suppressed for centuries in America? What if President Trump flips on everyone and says... “My actions have caused America to understand that racism still exists, oppression is real, and our government is corrupt? What if he admits that there is a direct correlation between our food and our diseases, our media and our behavior, our money and our laws? What if he comes out and says that the NFL and NBA are forms of modern day Mandingo Fighting? What if he admits that college athletics is modern day indentured servitude? What if Trump then ultimately attempted to truly fix the problems that he intentionally unearthed? Would make him the greatest president of all time?
Your thread is just one big what if and its not even original.

Back during the campaign there were bits ans jokes about what if in private Trump is a sophisticated individual? What if he's doing this to bring us altogether in some elaborate con on tptb.

Its all bull ****. Nobody is that method. Plus it wouldn't work for the crazy hateful racist half of this country. Its already been proven that these crazy ppl can get ton this crazy **** even in opposition of what Trup wants.
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