Tiffany Haddish and Aries Spears Accused of Child Sexual Abuse

Sep 20, 2014
During their childhoods, Jane Doe and her younger brother say they called Tiffany Haddish “Auntie Tiff.” The comedian had met their mother through the comedy circuit and used to refer to the siblings as her “niece” and “nephew.” But in a lawsuit filed pro se on Monday night—in which Jane is an anonymous plaintiff on behalf of both herself and her brother, who is a minor—the siblings allege that Haddish and her fellow comic, Aries Spears, recruited each of them to perform inappropriate acts on camera when they were children.
The clip Spears and Haddish asked Jane to watch in the recording booth allegedly seemed innocuous at first, if a little strange: a group of coeds were arguing over a subway sandwich. But then the coeds began eating the sandwich in a suggestive manner from opposite ends, “moaning and making sexual noises as they both ate the sandwich in a manner that simulated the act of fellatio,” per the lawsuit.
“Haddish verbally explained what was expected of Plaintiff Jane Doe and then showed Plaintiff Jane Doe how to give fellatio, including movements, noises, moaning, and groaning,” the lawsuit states. “At that point,” Jane told The Daily Beast, “I knew a hundred percent what they wanted out of me.” The lawsuit describes Spears allegedly looking on while a “physically, emotionally, and mentally uncomfortable” Jane received this instruction.
A year later, Haddish allegedly approached the children’s mother with a similar pitch, recruiting Jane’s little brother, John, for another video. Although the comedian allegedly told the family John would be filming a sizzle reel for Nickelodeon, the suit alleges the 7-year-old wound up starring in a video posted on Funny or Die and other online platforms, titled “Through a Pedophile’s Eyes.”
John spends most of the video clad only in his underwear as Spears’ character leers at him through two holes cut into a newspaper he pretends to read. During the sketch, the camera zooms in suggestively on the 7-year-old’s buttocks and crotch while he plays. Spears sprays baby oil onto the child’s back and massages it into his shoulders in one scene, and at another point the child plays with a train in a manner that suggests phallic masturbation. In another sequence, Spears smokes a cigarette while observing the child nude in a bathtub and pours water on his feet.

By the time the video ends, the child is peering at his babysitter through a newspaper and rubbing baby oil on his shirtless shoulder. The final line of on-screen text reads: “WATCH WHO YOU LEAVE YOUR KIDS WITH!”

The fact that there’s video evidence of the pedo sketch w/ the 7 year old leads me to believe none of this is made up. Even if it was done on some dark comedy ****, what in the entire **** were they thinking? I’m having a hard time seeing any scenario where that’d be funny to an adult, unless of course you’re into that kind of thing. :smh:
I read the article and from what they said, first hand, kids should not have been used for that skit.

Going off what the skit was about it also wasn’t that funny but I dunno maybe they thought of those kids were A lost talent they could’ve carried the whole skit.

I don’t see what Haddish and Spears did as them being pedophiles or child predators. Sound like they were so serious about doing the skit or they’re so use to children on sets being asked to do stuff like that that they think it’s normal and expected.
Well it says the video was originally uploaded to FunnyOrDie so it seems like it was a legit comedic skit that would have been humorous in the 80s/90s bu "unacceptable" in the new cultural climate.

Also keep in mind in California there are hundreds of thousands of failed actors/comics/singers...once they finally throw in the towel on their dreams, they'll reminisce on encounters with celebs, and their friends will try to convince them they were taken advantage of and that said celebrities negatively effected the trajectory of their life (rather than their lack of ambition and skills)
I always have to question the timing in these kinds of accusations. Why now? Why wasn't a lawsuit brought back then after it happened? Or is this just a ploy for money now that Aries name in in the media after a feud with Lizzo.
I saw this headline and I thought they were having sex with kids or something.

This reminds me of James Gunn's pedo jokes.
Stuff that might have played as "edgy" in 2010, people take seriously now.

Spears and Haddish probably should have paid these people when they had the chance.
I always have to question the timing in these kinds of accusations. Why now? Why wasn't a lawsuit brought back then after it happened? Or is this just a ploy for money now that Aries name in in the media after a feud with Lizzo.

The siblings’ mother negotiated a settlement in 2019, the lawsuit states, but that agreement allegedly does not bind Haddish—who the complaint alleges “insinuated she wanted no part of the Spears settlement agreement via text” —or the siblings, who had no guardian ad litem present to represent their interests as minors.

In the settlement document, which The Daily Beast has reviewed, Spears “denies the validity of the Claims” regarding the video’s production and distribution but agrees “to stop the distribution, exhibition and further use of the Video.” The document names Spears, the siblings’ mother, and John; Jane does not appear. The siblings’ mother also filed a police report against Spears and Haddish in January of 2020 but nothing apparently came of it. The Daily Beast has reviewed a copy of the report.
The siblings’ mother negotiated a settlement in 2019, the lawsuit states, but that agreement allegedly does not bind Haddish—who the complaint alleges “insinuated she wanted no part of the Spears settlement agreement via text” —or the siblings, who had no guardian ad litem present to represent their interests as minors.

In the settlement document, which The Daily Beast has reviewed, Spears “denies the validity of the Claims” regarding the video’s production and distribution but agrees “to stop the distribution, exhibition and further use of the Video.” The document names Spears, the siblings’ mother, and John; Jane does not appear. The siblings’ mother also filed a police report against Spears and Haddish in January of 2020 but nothing apparently came of it. The Daily Beast has reviewed a copy of the report.
Appreciate the explanation
I look forward to the Gay/Sex combo in Utah……………. Rudy/Collin you nasty minds.
I always have to question the timing in these kinds of accusations. Why now? Why wasn't a lawsuit brought back then after it happened? Or is this just a ploy for money now that Aries name in in the media after a feud with Lizzo.
I mean obviously it has to do with lizzo. That doesn’t absolve spears or haddish but let’s be real. It’s retaliation
You must have supported Amber Heard from the jump

Bruh - you know how it is on here. :lol:

NT Extremes

False Dichotomies

Nuance / context dismissed in favor of obtusity

Okay manosphere guy

You're giving "Shame, Insults, Guilt, and the Need to be Right" vibes right now G :rofl::rofl::rofl:

It don't have to be like this.

Everything aint gotta be a fight...

"...Turning around on accusers"???

You seeing members posts as "victim blaming"?

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