is there a catch to those wholesale iphone sites?

Mar 5, 2005
I was on craigslist the other day looking for an iphone and a couple people with really good prices for an iphone 3gs 32gb ($300) said they were soldalready but they bought them off this wholesale site is there a catch to buying iphones andother electronics from this place? I know it says you need a membership that costs $20 i believe but theres gotta be another catch right? i want to buy a newphone but im kind of skeptical about this place it also says paypal verified if that changes anything if someone has info on this let me know please thanks
That site screams fraudulent.
Apple is the sole distributor of iPhones. Why would Apple send iPhones to a sketchy website with altavista type graphic design?
$300 for a brand new 32gb 3GS? They go for $500-600 w/o contract. Like $100 for a DMP pack. Do what you do what with your money, but I would not do it.
anyone know an authentic iphone site.. or any official wholesale site?
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