page jumps when finished loading even after scrolling

Mar 27, 2004
When I go to a thread via my alerts, it goes to the newest post, as desired. Often the page is still loading media, etc., but I will start scrolling while they are still loading. When the page has finished loading, it will then automatically jump again to the newest post.

I think this is a recent change because I don't remember it happening last week. It is quite possibly the most annoying thing I have ever encountered. Ok, that's hyperbole, but it is grinding my gears. The page shouldn't jump around a second time after the page has finally finished fully loading. I've usually already scrolled up or down from the newest post at that point.

edit: I just realized this may be a change in my browser (chrome mobile) and not a change on NT's end. I'll see what happens in other browsers and report back.
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It sounds like content is still loading in and your browser is trying to keep up with it. We try to deliver the best load times we can, but posts can contain content from all over the Internet, and it could take time for all of that content (images, videos, social media posts) to fill in on a mobile connection.
thanks, Meth.

when a page first loads the "skeleton" (more or less a text version of the page), it jumps to the current post. then, once all the media content had loaded, it will jump there again. i guess it makes sense because the height of media may be bigger than the original placeholders, so it jumps again to the right spot after they have all loaded. but i haven't noticed this being an issue so i don't know if that second jump at the end is necessary.

anyway, you are correct about the page speeds. on my desktop, the loads are fast enough that i don't even notice. it's only on mobile and with a weak connection that it becomes an issue. maybe I need to close the 20 tabs i have open...
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