Would you guys go the "holistic," route...? (this chemo aint working)

Apr 5, 2007
I've been battling lymphoma since like Nov./Dec. of 2011....

Chemo helps a bit then the cancer comes back. At the end of November I was like basically clear of it, so they were going to do a bone marrow transplant. Using my own cells.

That fell through because its about a months process and in that period of time the cancer came back. More than it has before.

Dr literally said she is scared and very worried about the situation. The look on her face and the other Dr's in th room was pretty depressing to me. Like there is no hope.
But they got me on some new chemo treatment to see if this one helps (so i can move on to the transplant again).

Now, my family is from Mexico and religious and all that... so they want me to go see this "Dr," who cures using all natural medicines, faith and god.

I would have to go for a week and it it works then stay a month. The problem is I still want to do this chemo treatment. It kinda works because they give me medicine for a week and i get to rest and only visit the Dr once a week. So if i went to Mexico to see that dude then, i would just have to miss my weekly appointments and i I dont know how my Dr would feel about that. (these weekly visits is just to make sure my blood levels are cool and stuff).

I guess i can miss these appointments (I'd miss three f i had to). But i would go during the second cycle of the treatment to see how i handle the first treatment.
each cycle is 28 days. and only the first 3 days do i get any chemo medicine. and every day i take a pill...

Don't know what to do, what would ya'll do?
Should i just go? what do i got to lose right?
(Btw ive been on chemo since i was diagnosed)
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Being born in the US makes me want rely on on meds but my mom is from Haiti and she's against it and prefers the holistic route. As I get older I feel more open to the holistic route because I feel like the meds are sometimes bs. My mom has diabetes and takes her meds when she feels like it. She rather rely on her homemade teas.
I'd seriously look into it. There are lots more people who go this route than you'd think and I can't imagine living with the side effects of chemotherapy
What does this holistic treatment entail? There is coffee enema, water fasting, fresh juice protocol that would definitely be worth a try and has healed even the illest of people. In fact the Gerson Institute (renown for their Gerson Therapy protocol that I just mentioned) have a clinic in Mexico as well as San Diego: http://gerson.org/gerpress/clinica-nutricion-y-vida/

If it entails taking more drugs, just different ones, then I'm not so sure.
hell nah..  i wouldn't do it.

some mexican people swear by that stuff.. i for one don't believe in it all, it's all a bunch of bull..

them "curanderos" are just some damn hustlers that sell false hope. 
i can only imagine how stressful chemotherapy must be like.

traditional western medicine can help your physical body, but it does nothing to ease your mind.

if you're at wits' end and going to see some pseudo-doctor is going to put your mind at ease (and puts your family at ease to help you get through this) and relieve your stress just for a little bit while your body battles the lymphoma, then I'd say you have nothing to lose, so go for it.

if it doesn't work, then at least you can say you tried everything you could think of.
What does this holistic treatment entail? There is coffee enema, water fasting, fresh juice protocol that would definitely be worth a try and has healed even the illest of people. In fact the Gerson Institute (renown for their Gerson Therapy protocol that I just mentioned) have a clinic in Mexico as well as San Diego: http://gerson.org/gerpress/clinica-nutricion-y-vida/

If it entails taking more drugs, just different ones, then I'm not so sure.

Na its all natural. Dont know exactly what type of herb medicines drinks or whatever they will give, but they are guaranteed 100% NATURAL.

I read about gerson but read a lot of mixed things with:
2) doing it while you have already undergone chemo, which i have for a whole year
Is there even research behind this approach, sounds like a pseudoscience.
This is my question as well. As often as people suggest "natural remedies", I've yet to see any research that validates these methods when used to treat serious medical conditions. Perhaps the advocates can post some research?
Try to change your diet cut out all processed food, alot what keeps causes cancer is the types of foods we put in our body. If that doesn't work than I would give that herblore a try.
If your willing to give it a try why not. If nothing happens your not losing out on anything. On another note, feel better and fight hard man
I really encourage you to watch the documentary "Forks over Knives." The documentary shows scientific evidence that all natural, organic diet can reverse or at least help in the fight against chronic diseases, including cancer.

My mom was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer last may, after beating breast cancer in 2006. She had a 2.5 inch tumor on her pancreas that was inoperable and it was basically a "wait and see" approach.

After watching this documentary, my mom switched to an all vegan diet. There is no doubt that this, along with the chemo treatment, helped her fight and beat the disease. Not only did it help her fight the cancer within, I think it helped her with dealing with the heavy, heavy dose of chemo treatments she was receiving. Her regimen was pretty heavy, according to the doctors, and ithey were absolutely surprised at how her body was handling the treatment. She was still up and about everyday, and even exercising. Of course there were bad days, especially the couple of days following chemo, but for a 62 year old women to look that strong after such an intense round of chemo was inspirational. Luckily, last August we got the great news that the tumor was no longer showing up on the marker tests, meaning it was no longer a threat.

I hope you really take into this doc, or at the very least try anything and don't give up. If you want the cliff's notes of the documentary: eat all natural whole grains fruits and vegetables, no processed sugars; no animal protein, or processed foods in general (no meat, no cheese, no butter, etc.). You are allowed 5% of your diet to be animal protein, if it's GRASS FED BEEF, free range chicken, basically animals eating their natural food sources.

Goodluck, good karma your way...
Dont know OP,cant say.

Just make a well thought out and informed decision.

Stay positive my dude.
I really encourage you to watch the documentary "Forks over Knives." The documentary shows scientific evidence that all natural, organic diet can reverse or at least help in the fight against chronic diseases, including cancer.
my mom beat cancer by switching to an organic diet. her doctor tried to get her to do chemo, but my aunt convinced her to go all natural. the doctor said she was making a mistake, but after a few years the cancer couldn't be detected. she's 70 now and still going strong

good luck OP. keep an open mind to everything and stay strong
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