Anyone else's eBates never get credited unless they contact customer service?

Mar 30, 2004
It seems like every time I order something and use eBates to get cash back it doesn't credit my account with the money. I usually have to go to the "Where's my Cash Back?" page and submit a request for them to look into the transaction. Sometimes even when I do that they just send me an email and tell me that they're looking into it, never to hear from them about it again.

95% of the time I'm ordering from NDC and Eastbay. Could it be a problem with their sites? I also receive my cash back via the Big Fat Check. It's annoying as hell, I got around $900 in uncredited cash back that they won't do anything about. At 6% and some special 10% cash back transactions I'm missing out on like a free $75 :frown:.

Has this ever happened to anyone else? Were you able to get it sorted out? Let me know :nerd:.
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