**ATONEMENT=Best Picture Of the Year**

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Sep 1, 2000
its in limited release right now,so i think chrstmas it opens in wide. saw it last night(me and my girl are reading the book right now also)and it blew mymind,makes you think twice about any lie your about to tell,and the girl that played briony was definetly on point,anybody else see this?
I have to see this for work and I'm not really excited about it. But I'm going in with an open mind and hoping it's a good film. I hated JoeWrights previous film Pride and Prejudice.
I want to see it, it wasnt playing last night, so i saw National Treasure 2 instead, that movie was OK, the first was definitely better. The movie wasn'tas "puzzly" as the first.
Best movie I've seen this year, though I have yet to see No Country for Old Men. McAvoy and Keira could definitely get Oscars for this.
You guys have made me want to go and pick up the novel at Barnes and Noble. I'll watch the movie eventually but I'd rather read the book first.
i thought this movie was very good, im no critic but i enjoyed it very much and i dont think most people will be dissapointed. just saw kiterunner too not badeither
my lady wants to see this tomorrow , i really don't feel likegoing...for those that have seen it how long is it?
i saw pride and prejudice and kiera knightly was
, this should be good too since its by the same director and kieras in it as well
I might treat myself to seeing this for my birthday today. I have to drive like 30 minutes to get to the theater that's showing it in my area, but Idon't have anything better to do.
this book caused me to flunk out of the university of new hampshire

worst*%%+ ever.
My vote goes to No Country for Old Men.... then The King of Kong a Fistful of Quarters...

still need to see There Will Be Blood.
anybody see reversation road yet?

atonement probably will get a nomination tho
its kinda late right now so... i saw the title, and thought you were posting a pic that was gonna be NT's new pic of 2008. then i waited for it to load.man its late.
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