Do you have any unpopular opinions???VOL....2

Clinical obese doesn’t automatically mean unattractive. 90% of the NFL BMI would make the obese, so that little factoid is pointless.

So we're going to use some of the best athletes in the country that makes up .0005% of the US population as the barometer for disproving BMI?

The average woman in America is 5'4 and 170lbs. You telling me it's all muscle?
So we're going to use some of the best athletes in the country that makes up .0005% of the US population as the barometer for disproving BMI?
Sooooo you think those are the only people with in that category? I guarantee you there are people in this thread that fall into that category.
Sooooo you think those are the only people with in that category? I guarantee you there are people in this thread that fall into that category.

This is the internet where people can be whatever they say they want to be without fact checking. Also a few people on NT falling into that category doesn't change the facts.
I think female rappers get a bad wrap for their looks considering the flagrant nonsense they are forced to spew over their bars gotta deduce two points off a 10 point scale off top, if Ice Spice was a singer shed get a lot more respect for her looks, she well above average imo
You realize if every woman at her weight looked like her she wouldn't have the platform and number of followers she has right?

Being the exception to the rule doesn't change it.
You realized every women isnt on the internet and this is the second time you had to be told that?
Are you truly insinuating that the average woman has the same BMI as an NFL player? :rofl:

He's saying BMI isn't a good indicator of obesity because by that metric NFL players would also be obese but I don't see how we can say that considering the biggest cause of death in the US is heart disease but whatever I guess that's an opinion too.
He's saying BMI isn't a good indicator of obesity because by that metric NFL players would also be obese but I don't see how we can say that considering the biggest cause of death in the US is heart disease but whatever I guess that's an opinion too.
You dont have to be obese to die of heart disease.

Shoot again.
'This can happen because of that' =/= 'This can ONLY happen because of that.'
If your going to use stats to back up an argument it has to be rock solid. Are you going to build a house on a foundation with holes in it? "Well most of it is good".
Meh. Went to Goodwill just now and there were "a ton" of chicks way more attractive, and I mean "a lot" more attractive.

Sure bout that?
She looks better about to paint a house with no makeup on than spice or taylor glammed up. That's not an opinion... :lol:

They not even in the same league famz.
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