Mods: Can we change the rules regarding avy size limits?

Mar 30, 2004
The 150,000 byte limit for avatars on NT has been around forever, since the days when dial up was still common and the avatar sizes were 60x60px. Nowadays avatars are 100x100px and I'd be willing to bet that at least 90% of NT has a broadband connection. It's really hard to make a good looking gif with the current requirements. I'm not asking for a dramatic increase, maybe just something like 750,000 bytes? We even got images in sigs now, I remember when that wasn't allowed. What say you, mods of NikeTalk?
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I say no gifs and only allow jpgs.

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The 150,000 byte limit for avatars on NT has been around forever, since the days when dial up was still common and the avatar sizes were 60x60px. Nowadays avatars are 100x100px and I'd be willing to bet that at least 90% of NT has a broadband connection. It's really hard to make a good looking gif with the current requirements. I'm not asking for a dramatic increase, maybe just something like 750,000 bytes? What say you, mods of NikeTalk?

750,000 is way too big, I'd say 250,000 at the MOST.
^ It's not like every single user is gonna be utilizing all 750k bytes though. I'd be happy with even 500k. 150 is just way too little.
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My avy is of regulation, and it's ravishing.
OP jelly his isn't ravishing...or moving.
:lol: My avy game used to be on point. Not so much nowadays though because I prefer to have around a 10 second clip and its just not possible.
Here's the harsh truth on this:

Nobody cares about your 20 second video clip.  Sorry.  MAYBE people find it interesting ONCE, but tell somebody on a limited data plan that it's ESSENTIAL to load your 500,000 byte clip of Allen Iverson's crossover EVERY SINGLE TIME they visit a thread you've posted in.  

Users care a lot about their OWN avatars and next to nothing about other users' avatars.  Having avatars in general is nice, as it provides quick, thumbnail identification and personality to an otherwise text-heavy site, but what can you do in 500,000 bytes that really enhances the NikeTalk community and justifies the extra load time - or even the extra expense for limited mobile users?  

At minimum, I don't think there's any reason to change it until we have a mobile version of the site that strips those images out completely.  
 We even got images in sigs now, I remember when that wasn't allowed. What say you, mods of NikeTalk?
Only certain types of images are acceptable: charity badges, photo gallery links, and buy/sell forum listings.  In other words, if it's generated by the system and not something you're inserting via the post editor, it's fine.  All the other stuff (emoticons, etc.) gets taken down.  

Even this may be restricted as it does become a bit of an eyesore.  
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The gif execution in this thread is amazing. I wanted to rep everyone but I am over my limit for rating comment.
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