***Official Political Discussion Thread***

Cree still Tuff

You might expect, based on their history, that Mizrahi Jews would be associated with the Israeli left today. Yet that’s not the case: Many Mizrahim are now right-wing. In fact, it’s impossible to understand Israel’s lurch to the right and the rise of the hawkish Likud party without understanding the trajectory of the Mizrahim. So, what happened?

For starters, the experience of being kicked out of Arab countries post-1948 naturally soured many Jews’ feelings toward the Arab world. Plus, from the moment they arrived in Israel, the experience of discrimination taught Mizrahim that gaining social status was contingent on rejecting Arabness.

And what better way to reject it than to become the most nationalist and the most anti-Arab of all?

As Smadar Lavie, a Mizrahi anthropologist and author of Wrapped in the Flag of Israel, put it to me, “If your only choice is to wag your racial purity — you need to prove that you’re a good Jew, which means you’re a nationalist Jew — then that’s what you’ll do.”

But there was another factor at play. For the first three decades of Israel’s existence, it was ruled by the Labor Party, which was rooted in both socialism and Ashkenazi Zionism. In practice, that meant building up leftist institutions like the kibbutz — a kind of utopian agricultural commune that stretches back to Zionism’s early days — even while pushing Palestinians off their land and discriminating against Mizrahim (who were more likely to be hired as cheap laborers on a kibbutz than to gain membership in it).

This was the version of “leftism” that Mizrahim encountered. For many, continuing to support the Labor Party when it represented the Ashkenazi Zionists who oppressed them was an extremely unappealing prospect.

Meanwhile, the Israeli right, which favored an even more hardline approach toward the Palestinians, strategically used the left’s discrimination against Mizrahim to its own advantage. From the 1950s to the 1970s, it invested in courting Mizrahim by promising them concrete benefits and upward mobility.
When people predict stuff like this, I often think you need a more global perspective.

Nigeria has

a similar presidential system,
-WAY worse income inequality
- LESS social cohesion and more racial conflict,
-WAY worse corruption,
- worse police violence.
- more political corruption.

and I don't see any signs of it ending.

if a band of vicious criminals can sustain Nigeria as a political project,
im not sure what would make America "unsustainable"

All good points. From a 30,000 foot view, the US, as a polity, is in the most advantageous position in the world.

There is a crucial difference between the US and Nigeria and most countries in the recently politically decolonized nations on Earth, the US is an empire. Empires in decline often times turn on themselves because they never had to develop a civil society that can adroitly manage latent social conflicts. Without the political and economic outlet of empire, social conflict is inevitable as those latent social social conflicts can explode into more pointed conflict.

Now we’d probably agree, if Nigeria can persist in the face of adversity, the US probably will for quite some time.

I doubt we’ll have anything looking like a civil war. I could imagine a small number of highly dedicated conservatives, creating a very low intensity conflict with the government of the US but it would look far more like the UK and Ireland’s Time of Troubles rather than a bonafide civil war.

What concerns me far more will be alliances of capital and right wing vigilantes who will use violence to suppress successful non violent actions on the part of the broader left in the US. Be it GOTV drives, mutual aid to unhoused people or migrants, assisting birthing people in getting abortions, political protests, or unionization efforts and strikes, I’m imagining capital covertly arming groups of right wing thugs who will attack us and try to discourage future action.

I want the left to have the muscle to fight them off. IMO that’s a far cry from relishing an apocalyptic grand confrontation as is indeed the case with many anti voting keyboard warriors out there.

So will the US collapse in the next few years, no way. Will American civil society become more civil, stable, and democratic in the coming years? Also, and sadly, no way.

I mean if you’re going to chat that then you should just revoke your citizenship and move somewhere else.

It’s one thing to be frustrated with the system but it’s a whole other to literally chant death to America. You’re no better than the maga cult at that point.
I mean if you’re going to chat that then you should just revoke your citizenship and move somewhere else.

It’s one thing to be frustrated with the system but it’s a whole other to literally chant death to America. You’re no better than the maga cult at that point.
The pro-palestinian folks who are physically out there marching must be very careful about the kind of events they attend and which actors in Gaza/the WB benefit from their support. They can choose to be naive about their bedfellows, but only they will be surprised when they get mistaken for islamist sympathizers. They're doing themselves a disservice by ignoring the complexities of this conflict.
I gave up on that thread early

Whenever I take a peak in there, and see some of the dudes actively posting, I don't even have to read the posts to know it is a **** show
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