Pet Peeves thread

May 9, 2004
My Jimmies are freshly rustled so figured i‘d make this thread…

- When people in public places pretend you aren’t there.

So this typically happens in stores, queues etc….

For example you’ll be stood in a section viewing something and someone will move into your personal space to view (X) without any acknowledgement whatsoever.

Women do this way more then guys in my experience. Guys understand what the disrespect can lead to :lol:
Not paying attention while driving. Esp looking down on a phone. Burns me up.

Talking loud in a quiet place.

Loud neighbors.

Being asked to tip when virtually no service was performed.

When people put the dollar sign after the number. I've been seeing it more and more over the years.

Instead of saying "10x" as "10 times" they say the letter x.
Slow walkers. Not sure how people can do that 1 mile/hour zombie pace, but they do

Not signaling when you should. It’s literally flicking your index finger, there’s no amount of laziness that warrants not signaling when needed

People taking up 2 parking spots with their trash parking
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