Went Off On Some Kids in the Wal-Mart Parking Lot.

Mar 26, 2009
I had a day off work so I figured I'd head out o Wal-Mart to get some errands out of the way. I usually park in the middle, but I figure it since it was 9AM on a Friday why not be lazy and park in the front. I spend an extra 15 seconds getting perfectly straight, reversing, slightly twisting and puling forward.
All the sudden, this beat up Trailblazer glides right next to me to an abrupt stop, and both passengers slam their doors into my car.

The front door impact wasn't too bad not that noticeable, but the back door? The metal clanging of both cars vibrated for like a second afterwards.

Immediately the kids hop out and slam their doors oblivious to what they done and starts racing each other to the entrance of Wal-Mart like everything's all good. They get like 15 away when I yell out HEY! Get the F back here! Are y'all really gonna walk away like you didn't slam into my S!!!
I'm usually a cool-headed logician and seldom scream so even my volume surprised me, my voice echo'd off the building twice. At this point the Mom had just stepped halfway out of the car, but she was just froze with no reaction like it was normal for other people to be disciplining her kids.

So the kids start walking back looking mortified but at that point I noticed it wasn't 100% their fault. The mom had parked over the yellow line to the point there was only 1.5 feet distance between our cars so to avoid this, they would've had to climb out practically in slow motion while keeping hold of the edge of the door...which is exactly what I had to do. I already had the car turned off, otherwise I woulda just roller down the windows and remained seated. So that set things off awkwardly from the get go.

I also noticed she had prior damage to the front and rear bumpers. Indicating she probably didn't have Insurance. Some other things I took into account - she looked to be late 20s at the oldest and both boys looked like junior high kids.

So ultimately I ended up apologizing but let them off with a lecture warning about the type of people that are out there. cause truth be told a situation like this could easily escalate to more than just words. A lifted truck with NRA decals pulled in next to us, and I nodded in it's direction. At that moment it seemed to register in all three's mind they could get shot if this scenario plays out with the wrong person.

How do y'all react when stuff like this happens?
The part that really had me conflicted is, say I was to make a complaint to Insurance they could easily deny the whole thing happened that the damage was previously there and it's automatically 3 people's word against mine.
OP handled it well, I’ve seen worse. My pops got into a insult, spitting and punching match with a early 20’s burly lesbian. They both were landing shots on each other and I’m in the passanger seat going “is this really happening?” :lol: :smh:

Lmao dead
Same thing happened to me a couple months back except it was just an older woman opening her door and hitting my right side view mirror.

She didnt know I was in the car because of my tints but as soon as I rolled my windows down she had the pikachu shocked face.

I just looked at her and said “you wanna watch where you’re opening your door next time”

She apologized sincerely (at least it seemed like it) and I just let it go.

Not worth creating a fuss over all that.

OP you handled it well. But the kids were idiots for hitting your door and not second guessing it
OP handled it well, I’ve seen worse. My pops got into a insult, spitting and punching match with a early 20’s burly lesbian. They both were landing shots on each other and I’m in the passanger seat going “is this really happening?” :lol: :smh:
LMAO! I’m crying!
I don't handle things well anymore.

Here's a story...

This was during the Covid days...and I was already in a bad mood due to two early 20-something-year-olds holding up the damn fountain drink line. I'm in line at a gas station waiting to pay for my two fountain drinks and a drink for my kiddo. This woman comes into the store. She's wearing one of those straw bro-country cowboy hats. She looks like she's one of those people who is way too proud to know someone who owns a boat and can drive her along a river while she works on a new skin cancer. She's probably later-40s but no one has told her. Her nasty tank top reaks of sunscreen and bad tattoo ideas. Her skin looks leathery and her hair looks way too wet. Total hillbilly. Previously, when I retold this story, I called her Jenny Chesney. So I'm in line waiting my turn. Like I said, this was Covid days so everyone is socially distanced. The distancing made the line look longer than it truly was. There is one guy behind me. Maybe two in front of me, at most. She gets behind the guy immediately behind me and says something to the effect of "I'm running really late. Is there any way I can cut in front of you? I only have two things?" He kind of scoffs and obliges. Now I know what's going to happen next. I immediately start thinking to myself, "Don't make bad decisions."

She taps me on the shoulder and repeats the speech that she told the guy behind me. She repeats her "I only have two things" line. I tell her I only have three. She reiterates that she is running behind and that it'd be nice if she could just cut in front of me. Again she says she only has two items.

That's when, against better judgment, I kind of snap. The quantity of items doesn't dictate where you find yourself in line. I turn to her and say, "Why don't you go to the 2 Items or Less line?" She looks at me in a "bless your heart" kind of way and says "Unfortunately, they don't have one of those lines." I then replied, "I know, so shut the f*** up!"
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I don't handle things well anymore.

Here's a story...

This was during the Covid days...and I was already in a bad mood due to two early 20-something-year-olds holding up the damn fountain drink line. I'm in line at a gas station waiting to pay for my two fountain drinks and a drink for my kiddo. This woman comes into the store. She's wearing one of those straw bro-country cowboy hats. She looks like she's one of those people who is way too proud to know someone who owns a boat and can scurry her along a river while she works on a new skin cancer. She's probably later-40s but no one has told her. Her skin looks leathery and her hair looks way too wet. So I'm in line waiting my turn. Like I said, this was Covid days so everyone is socially distanced. The distancing made the line look longer than it truly was. There is one guy behind me. Maybe two in front of me, at most. She gets behind the guy immediately behind me and says something to the effect of "I'm running really late. Is there any way I can cut in front of you? I only have two things?" He kind of scoffs and obliges. Now I know what's going to happen next. I immediately start thinking to myself, "Don't make bad decisions."

She taps me on the shoulder and repeats the speech that she told the guy behind me. She repeats her "I only have two things" line. I tell her I only have three. She reiterates that she is running behind and that it'd be nice if she could just cut in front of me. Again she says she only has two items.

That's when I kind of snap. Your quantity of items doesn't dictate where you find yourself in line. I turn to her and say, "Why don't you go to the 2 Items or Less line?" She looks at me in a "bless your heart" kind of way and says "Unfortunately, they don't have one of those lines." I then replied, "I know, so shut the f*** up!"
My guy Lobo gave her the Bron on Chalmers bark at the end :wow:

Your kid probably held you back and everything :lol:

I’m generally against any form of prejudice but you might have a point but I also might have a prejudice side I wasn’t aware of.
Nah man, when it comes to being on the road I have no problems judging a book by it's cover. Beat up cars, Dodges (American "muscle" cars in general), ALtima's, Big *** pick up trucks that don't believe in signaling... I stay away from.
Very proud of the stories and how things were handled. Very proud of TURBO UNO TURBO UNO and his dad. Hopefully his dad and his opponent worked off the jab in the early rounds to land something significant.

lobotomybeats lobotomybeats I have never been prouder of you than I am right now. I see where your creativity comes from.

feeninlikejodeci feeninlikejodeci I am proud of you as well. Speaks to your character that you would use this as a teachable moment. It truly takes a village and I would rather these kids and their mom learn than have a tragic event happen.
A couple of months ago I was in Philly and stopped at John’s Roast Pork for a cheesesteak and parked across the street in a strip mall parking lot

I don’t think either me or the car beside me did a bad parking job but as I was putting something in the trunk one of my three kids opened the door and because they’re young and careless they opened it all the way and hit the car beside us

It was a guy and his girl that were eating their cheesesteaks

The guy got out and notified me that my kid scratched his girlfriend’s vehicle and I offered to exchange insurance info but he said he would ask his girl what she wanted to do…she said don’t worry about it

He was wearing Hawaii Dunk SB’s so if your on here tell your girl I said thanks 🙏
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