Anyone here have Sciatica nerve pain?

Sep 16, 2010
So, my pain started in mid December. Only right lower side of my back. The pain started to shoot down to my calf muscle. It’s to the point now that I can’t stand up for no more than 5 mins. Anyone here dealt with this? The pain is excruciating…smh. I did physical therapy and it actually helped, but once I got back on full duty at my job, the pain came back…smh. On Monday I’m getting MRI and next Friday I’m going back to a chiropractor. A lot of people say a few adjustments from the chiropractor is extremely helpful.

Anyone want to share how they got rid of the pain? It really sucks.
Yeah, I have dealt with that pain last year while training for a 10k. I went to a chiropractor bi-weekly and that helped a ton. But proper stretching and back/core strength workouts help too.

I hope your Chiropractor is straight forward and isn’t all about the gimmick moves you see on social media. What shoes do you wear for work? That could play a role too.
Once I get better, I’m definitely going to do. Drastic lifestyle change. Right now, I can barely stand for a length of time.
I’m not sure what I have but if I sit for long periods of time (car, chair, etc.) my back will flare up something serious. It’s on the middle of my lower back almost to my tailbone. I will look like an old man walking hunched over for about a day or two due to the pain of standing up straight. Then it goes away completely. Been like this for 10+ years
I’m not sure what I have but if I sit for long periods of time (car, chair, etc.) my back will flare up something serious. It’s on the middle of my lower back almost to my tailbone. I will look like an old man walking hunched over for about a day or two due to the pain of standing up straight. Then it goes away completely. Been like this for 10+ years
Yeah, that sounds like your sciatica, bro.
Funny how op made this post. I just got adjusted this morning and have been dealing with piriformus pain (left buttcheek) for the past two weeks.
Only when I use the row machine or do a lot of defensive ground work in BJJ. So I guess yes....yes I do.
Funny how op made this post. I just got adjusted this morning and have been dealing with piriformus pain (left buttcheek) for the past two weeks.
So those chiropractic adjustment actually help with sciatica pain? Like, a drastic difference?
I’m not sure what I have but if I sit for long periods of time (car, chair, etc.) my back will flare up something serious. It’s on the middle of my lower back almost to my tailbone. I will look like an old man walking hunched over for about a day or two due to the pain of standing up straight. Then it goes away completely. Been like this for 10+ years
This deadass just happened for the first time this week. Thought I tweaked my back getting up out the chair and struggled in silence.
This deadass just happened for the first time this week. Thought I tweaked my back getting up out the chair and struggled in silence.
Dawg, it’s the worse feeling ever. You’re literally very limited as far as being mobile.
So those chiropractic adjustment actually help with sciatica pain? Like, a drastic difference?
For me, yes. But it also depends on how severe your pain is. If it’s severe, they may recommend weekly visits while your body and back adjusts. For others, I know folks who went and continued to feel pain.
Once I get better, I’m definitely going to do. Drastic lifestyle change. Right now, I can barely stand for a length of time.

Sorry to hear that bro. Nerve pain is no joke.

As you alluded to drastic lifestyle changes, what's your general physical condition like currently?
Stretches stretches stretches

Yes I’ve deal with it for well over a decade, after I played ball the next day I couldn’t even get out of bed most times

Doing back stretches everyday will help alleviate it for the most part but it will be painful and take time

Haven’t dealt with it much the last couple years
Spinal steroid injections helped me with a herniated disk years back. Haven’t had any major pain issues since, although my left knee is basically numb forever now. Every now and then I’ll get a jolt of pain but it doesn’t last more than a second or so.

Prolonged back pain is quite literally one of the worst things ever.
Wifey got it after pregnancy. Targeted stretching really helps. Had her go to the chiropractor and Acupuncture. She said Acupuncture worked better for her, but the relief is temporary.
Wifey got it after pregnancy. Targeted stretching really helps. Had her go to the chiropractor and Acupuncture. She said Acupuncture worked better for her, but the relief is temporary.

My friend who I discussed this with did it on his wife during pregnancy by himself.
So, update.

I did my MRI and it states that I just have a very minor bulging disc. So, it’s not as bad as I thought.

What are sone things you guys do get rid of the pain?
Two things that cured my sciatica:

Stretch: lay on your back and pull your knee towards your chest. Hold that for about 20 seconds then repeat a few times

Sleeping: if you're a side sleeper, get a knee pillow (there are a bunch on Amazon). It'll align your back.

I never did anything beyond that.
So, update.

I did my MRI and it states that I just have a very minor bulging disc. So, it’s not as bad as I thought.

What are sone things you guys do get rid of the pain?

There's a lot of things that can be done.

One thing I'd recommend that you focus on, regardless of what else you or your doctor decide to do, is to stretch your hip flexors every day. The vast majority of us have short hip flexors and the tighter your hip flexors get the more it messes up your posture and puts pressure on your lower back, mid back, upper glutes, and lateral sides of your thighs, as well as your hip join. Left untreated, it also will also mess up your chest, shoulders, hamstrings, calfs, ankles, feet, as well as messing up your internal organs' alignment which can increase the risk of asthma, bronchitis, heartburn, and stomach bloating. (to be clear, I'm not some crank who thinks that yoga is a cure-all, if you have any of the above issues, you should treat it directly as well as looking at your posture and how it could be contributing to the problem).

In your case, lengthening your hip flexors is not going to fix your bulging disc, per se, but it will take pressure off of it. Ideally, you hip flexors are long and are slightly longer than the combined length of your glutes and hamstrings (if the back of your butt and legs are longer than the front, that's anterior pelvic tilt). Having short hip flexors keep your glutes and hamstrings stretched all the time and that leaves them weak, which causes you body to be even more out of alignment which causes the lower back to hurt even more and the hip flexors become even shorter and you're caught in a vicious cycle of shorter hip flexors and weak glutes, hamstrings, and lower abdominals . When your hip flexors are long, you can also strengthen your lower abs much better. Basically, if you hip flexors are long, you get instant relief and you can strengthen certain muscles that will give you longer term relief, plus it will just improve your overall quality of life.

The closest that I have come to a fountain of youth is consistently and aggressively stretching my hip flexors, overall fitness is also important. But literally just stretching the hip flexors, all that ambient pain and pressure on my lower back and hips are gone, and because you'll stand up straighter, you may drop a pant size just from stretching your hip flexors without even losing any weight or strengthening your abs. And lengthening the hip flexors sets you up to lose body fat and strengthen your abs, your glutes, and your hamstrings. it makes exercise enjoyable like it probably was when you were in your late teens are early 20's.

So do that, get some relief right now and set things up so that your lower back needs work done on it, it can recover in an environment where your lower spine isn't bent backward and your abs and glutes are doing most of the work of holding up your torso, your lower back can recover quickly and thoroughly.

BTW, for every guy (in this context, penis having individuals) over the age of like 25, getting your hip flexors stretched out will restore your pipe game. The nerves, the blood flow, the pelvic thrusting, it will feel like you're 18 again. That alone should get us all fixing whatever anterior pelvic tilt/tight hip flexor issues we may have. And it's not just what's below the belt, everything will feel better and while it is true that aging takes it toll, the main reason why middle aged guys can feel so crappy is mostly due to bad posture and a lack of physical exercise. Correct that, and you will feel 10-20 years younger in almost every way.
Two things that cured my sciatica:

Stretch: lay on your back and pull your knee towards your chest. Hold that for about 20 seconds then repeat a few times

Doing this and some other stretches my physical therapist gave me helped a lot when I had pain going down my left side last year
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