keep getting logged out

Jan 3, 2013
when I refresh it shows a message that users has changed then upon refresh im logged out.

been happening only since last night.
Are you still experiencing this?

If so: try another browser. If it’s happening on mobile, see if that’s also the case on a desktop or tablet. The most likely culprit is a cookie issue, in which case clearing your cache/cookies and double checking your browser settings could resolve it.
it hasn't happened since I posted tbh. I forgot to mention when it was doing it my password would be invalid and I had to reset it.

this happened about 3 times but not since opening this ticket
Yeah, it sounds like a cookie issue. It was the only such report we had.

Sometimes cookies can be corrupted for various reasons, or browsers can be set to disallow them, which can cause problems including with logging in or staying logged in.

I’m glad to hear that you haven’t encountered it since reporting the issue.
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