Let's all welcome NikeTalk's two newest moderators.

Methodical Management

Staff member
Dec 8, 1999
With the dawn of a new academic year for our student population, who depend on NikeTalk to distract them from their schoolwork, the days growing shorter, theair growing colder, and the distressingly slim likelihood of Dirtylicious returning alive from his upcoming trip to Baltimore (I kid because I love), the time has come to bolster our staff presence.

Tonight, I'm proud to announce the addition of West2East and Arqangel6 to our moderating team. I know the positivity, patience, and helpfulness they've long demonstrated in ourforums will serve them well in their new roles.

I'd like to thank each of them for so graciously volunteering their precious free time to improve our community. No hazing will be necessary; hours spentwading through page after page of mindless Internet clichés should more than suffice. [color= rgb(0, 0, 0)](Don't post any: It's a trap.) [/color]

No good deed, as they say, goes unpunished.

As long as we're making roster moves, I'd also like to take the opportunity to switch KDawg's position from mod to admin. No, this has nothing todo with Dirty's travel plans. We're not replacing anybody. There is no controversy. In fact, based on the match-ups we plan to play both together.

Please join me in welcoming everyone to their new posts and wishing them all the best of luck. We're thrilled to have them with us.

By the way, will somebody please bring RyanKMD in off the ledge?

she's been one of my fav posters for years, but how does she get modded when she barely posts anymore? (ehh.. at least we have a pretty moderator now.

to the new mods.
[color= rgb(102, 0, 153)]How can i apply? And are there benefits included? Healthcare?[/color]

Originally Posted by Madman4life

Congrats! Also, what ever happened to RyanKMD?
KMD is doing fine. He's married these days and is one of my FaceBook friends.

Great picks, Meth! West2East was always cool, and I know the second person won't be any less fair.
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