The Neighbour Drama Thread

May 9, 2004
Anybody got any interesting neighbour stories to share??

Nothing too crazy for me personally... Couple years back I lived below a couple who had a seriously toxic relationship. Dude used to get lit and he would flip out on his girl. Accuse her of cheating, throwing **** around the apartment etc.

One night he must have tossed a microwave or some **** cause that **** almost cracked the ceiling/floor :smh::lol:

Anyway when I first moved in I was feeling heroic and when I heard him threatening to 'kill' her I went up stairs. By the time I got there the chick had already dipped into a neighbours apartment and dude was standing in the hall with pasta sauce on his sweats rambling to himself. I Think she cracked him with a jar of ragu :lol:

Over time I learned this was just a regular thing for these *******s so I just ignored everything that popped off until I left that apartment.
my neighbor at my last apartment used to smoke a ton of weed. the smell would fill up my apartment because my AC was super close to his window. idgaf if someone smokes but that **** would give me a headache. one night i went to his door and told him to come out and talk to me. he didn’t open the door so i started kicking it and he turned off his lights and tv and went silent. come to find out, he was a old dude with cancer. after that i just let it go. and didn’t do **** when he smoked. felt really bad for him.
On Long Island, homeowners think they own the street in front of their property. They’ll leave “love” letters on cars that are parked in front of their property and will call the cops to harass you about the parking and file noise complaints. Long Islanders have major chips on their shoulders and are always quick to bark about something. Like literally everyone’s always angry here, and will go off the hinges over some bs like parking in front of their property.
Ok I got one that happened recently - story time. This is an essay sorry bros.

Few years ago I moved out to the burbs with my wife and since then I have spent time making the lawn and garden nice to the point its fully dialed in now. My neighbor to the left of us is an older couple with what I would assume is a son living with them. The son looks like our age (early 30s).

Anyway the old man hasn't been able to keep his landscaping up on his own and his son doesn't appear to be showing any interest. They also had not hired out so I figured they were just cool with it being mostly weeds and blackberry bushes.

Well about a month ago I'm at home and hear a bunch of heavy machinery outside. I look on my cameras and see that theres a cleanup crew dragging a bunch of dead/dying shrubs and throwing everything into a woodchipper. In the burbs a landscaper is normal but there was like a team of 6 guys working all over his house like some ants.

I went outside out of general curiosity and started chatting with the guy sitting in the rig hauling the woodchipper. He tells me "the wife sent him on a road trip to get him out of the house. He is going senile and thinks the blackberry bushes are his rose bushes and that all of the overgrowth including weeds are flowers he planted. He won't let anyone touch anything so that's why we are here while he's away" I gave the generic "damn thats crazy" type of response and moved on with my day.

Later that evening I'm moving the trash cans out for pickup and I see the old man just standing on the sidewalk staring at his house. This poor guy looked like he was in pure disbelief.

Flash forward to the day after that, he knocks on my door and tells me how upset he is about it. This is my first time really talking to him and I find out that he's mostly deaf so he is mostly talking/shouting at me about how upset he is. His words:

"They destroyed my garden, I don't know who did it but if I see them I will shoot them. I was in Vietnam and shot people there, I was a sheriff in Florida, shot people there. If I see them on my property again, BANG BANG BANG"

As he is rambling I am like aight let's just smile and nod through this. Eventually I make up some excuse and go back inside. Later that day I'm just chillin in the back yard and hear him talking to another person repeating the same stuff he said to me, this time to a woman walking her dog, clearly making her uncomfortable. He then goes to the neighbor to the right of me, same speech. Then the neighbor behind us, same speech. By the end of his tour he threatened murder on the cleanup crew to the entire cul-de-sac. He even tried coming back to my house 2 more times (knocking on the door, ringing door bell). On one day he even called out a police officer to complain about it :lol:

My wife during this time is real uncomfortable, won't go outside - which I understand. As we were about to go on vacation another landscape crew pulls up to their house and begins tearing up the lawn. They get to work and it looks like the old man is getting some new sod and irrigation. Awesome but apparently this was a call by the wife as well that he was just not processing due to his mental state.

We go on our vacation and by the time we're home, the work is done on the old man's house. I'm outside unloading the car and my neighbor to the right of me is asking me if I saw the emergency vehicles the other day. I respond that I didn't and he proceeds to tell me that the old man's house was surrounded by first responder vehicles while the landscapers were working.

I check the camera footage and sure enough - a fire truck, a police car and an ambulance pulled up. He was irate about the guys working to improve the landscaping, repeating the same speech he did door to door. The hilarious part is the landscapers kept working during all this. But the encounter ended with the police forcefully putting him into the ambulance to go to the hospital and he hasn't been back since. Its insane.

I have a feeling they're going to get ready to sell soon. Hopefully old man gets the help he needs.
my neighbor at my last apartment used to smoke a ton of weed. the smell would fill up my apartment because my AC was super close to his window. idgaf if someone smokes but that **** would give me a headache. one night i went to his door and told him to come out and talk to me. he didn’t open the door so i started kicking it and he turned off his lights and tv and went silent. come to find out, he was a old dude with cancer. after that i just let it go. and didn’t do **** when he smoked. felt really bad for him.

On Long Island, homeowners think they own the street in front of their property. They’ll leave “love” letters on cars that are parked in front of their property and will call the cops to harass you about the parking and file noise complaints. Long Islanders have major chips on their shoulders and are always quick to bark about something. Like literally everyone’s always angry here, and will go off the hinges over some bs like parking in front of their property.
The only time I ever had a problem with parking in front of someone’s house was when I went to my friend’s place in Centerreach. I parked in front of his neighbor’s house and the old guy told me I couldn’t park there. I asked why and he said cuz it’s in front of his house, I said that’s allowed. Friend told me that neighbor was always bothering people about parking and acting like the front pf his house was a designated / assigned spot.
Someone stole my water sprinkler that the lawn man created using PVC pipes. That jawn had my yard looking like Augusta National :pimp: :pimp:

I’ve let basers/smokers sleep under my carport.

I had a old bucket that I let a smoker sleep in. Smokers have used my water hose to take baths.

Was home one day, the neighbors behind me had buckets full of mangos off my mango tree. I politely went back there and told them to put all those mangos back and never step foot in my yard or catch these hands.

There’s an alley way next to my house. The new neighbor behind me had a tree cut down in her yard and had the nerve to let the lawn people put the tree scraps in my yard. I again (politely) drove around the block and knocked on her door and said you’ve got some nerve, those trees better be removed from my property pronto!

Wasn’t about to let code enforcement fine me for having that stuff out and it wasn’t bulk trash day.

One of my neighbors had the WHOLE neighborhood awake because he was mad that his mom wouldn’t take him to the bank to withdraw money from his SSI check.

My cousin being in a high speed chase with the cops and wrecking his Porsche truck two streets behind me.


Yes, South Florida
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On Long Island, homeowners think they own the street in front of their property. They’ll leave “love” letters on cars that are parked in front of their property and will call the cops to harass you about the parking and file noise complaints. Long Islanders have major chips on their shoulders and are always quick to bark about something. Like literally everyone’s always angry here, and will go off the hinges over some bs like parking in front of their property.

So like not parking over someone's driveway... just kerb side in front of their property??
finessence finessence man it was really like that! The whole time he was arguing with the first responders saying his side looked like mine before they destroyed it.

They were confused as hell because the landscapers were in the middle of putting down the sod at that point :lol:
Yes. Drives long islanders crazy. The weirdest thing

Can't front when I was living at the previous building (from my original post) I was close to slashing someones tyres :lol:

We had allocated bays for parking on a lot. Not every apartment had a bay though so some dickheads would just take someone elses spot.

So every now and then some random car would be in my spot. After monitoring the situation for a while I started connecting the dots of which cars belonged to who and started to issue threats accordingly (my apartment overlooked the carpark :nerd:)... One dude had 3 cars parked on the lot and he had ZERO spots allocated. Jon B looking *** boy :smh::lol:
I definitely got some crazy Brooklyn stories. It was one point I was involved in 5 shootouts (2 drive bys) 6 yrs straight before I went into the Air Force. ( Bullet hole through my Jeff Hamilton NBA jacket too) …… ahhh good times. Ain’t nothing like waking up to some morning Murder Death Kill in the morning in the 90s, watching Ronin Warriors and Sailor Moon before school.

Call me CJ the Bullet Dodger

Why they call him The Bullet Dodger?

Cause he Dodges bullets Avi!
My parents always wanted to make an addition on the house so my brother and I could finally have our own separate rooms. One year they said they finally decided to do it but in the end it got vetoed because our neighbor said it was gonna block the sun or something like that.
I had beef with that old ***** for years after that but as I got older I realized that it sounded like some BS my parents came up with so they didn’t have to do the addition :lol:
Not gonna lie, having people park right in front of your house is annoying. Why can't they just park in the driveway of the people they are visiting? or in front of their property? Unless you live on a street with businesses where people park to go into stores.
I definitely got some crazy Brooklyn stories. It was one point I was involved in 5 shootouts (2 drive bys) 6 yrs straight before I went into the Air Force. ( Bullet hole through my Jeff Hamilton NBA jacket too) …… ahhh good times. Ain’t nothing like waking up to some morning Murder Death Kill in the morning in the 90s, watching Ronin Warriors and Sailor Moon before school.

Call me CJ the Bullet Dodger

Why they call him The Bullet Dodger?

Cause he Dodges bullets Avi!

i'm cool with my neighbors. we stick together like borrow foil, sugar or if some **** pop off we got each other. Almost burned my pad 7/4 when an aerial shot went up the tree. neighbor on left & right helped to put that mug out with hose before fd slid through. lit sum more more after we put that b out :pimp:
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Not gonna lie, having people park right in front of your house is annoying. Why can't they just park in the driveway of the people they are visiting? or in front of their property? Unless you live on a street with businesses where people park to go into stores.
i don't trip as long as they wave or chunk up a deuce. I'm always looking at who's out front
other day i checked into my hotel room and could hear next door. ol girl was getting her p ate out cause the bed wasn't shaking. then heard it shake for 90 sec then a loud ughhhh blawwwwwwww lol.
Not gonna lie, having people park right in front of your house is annoying. Why can't they just park in the driveway of the people they are visiting? or in front of their property? Unless you live on a street with businesses where people park to go into stores.
i bought my house from an old lady who had a handicap blue zone commissioned right in front of the house.
as i was moving in i remember a neighbor up the street was like, you can go to city hall and get it removed no biggie

ive been there over a year and a half and and that blue zone is still there, shieeet i aint having nobody park in front of house
only person who parks there is my bro when he visits.
i can easily fit 3-4 cars in my driveway, but i dont ever open my driveway gate like that.
Anybody got any interesting neighbour stories to share??
Oh absolutely. Long story.

So I used have several guinea pigs in my backyard earlier last year. There's a fence but apparently one or two wandered onto one of my neighbors' yard and my neighbor got pissed.
I had no knowledge of this until one day he started banging on my door, screaming loudly about how he was going to "clobber [them] to death on my face" if he saw them again.
Since he was screaming so loudly, I already started covertly recording the audio on my phone before I approached the door. While he kept screaming insults and threats about how he was going to beat my pets to death, beat me up etc, I told him to calm down and that I'd reinforce the fence. His wife then came to complain too.
I stayed calm while he proceeded to scream more threats, so I brought up that I had heard he got kicked out of his last home for being obnoxious. They moved here fairly recently here but I had already heard stories from my landlord and other locals about how he was a complete ******* and a nutjob. According to my landlord, he got evicted from the nearby town.

He got angrier, went on a rant about how this supposedly was out of context, bla bla bla. So I responded by telling him "cool story, you done whining now?", and he proceeded to punch my doorbell and step into my entry hall.
He raised his fist up to my face, yelling about how he was going to "destroy my property" but his wife pulled him back outside.

I laughed at him and told his wife that I'd be fine continuing the conversation with her but that I had no interest in dealing with a lunatic. He again proceeded to yell more threats but his wife desperately urged him to come along with her back to their house. He complied, but on the way back kicked one of my flower pots to pieces.

Afterwards, I went to the police with the audio and asked if they could charge him with anything. I suggested entrapping him by asking him if he made those threats and inducing a false statement, however I forgot that it's not illegal here to lie to police.
They said the neighbor sounds like a lunatic but that they couldn't charge him unless he acted on those threats, and they said "yes" when I asked if it had been better if I egged him on to the point where he'd actually punch me.
Either way they said they'd send an officer over to tell the neighbor to not be a lunatic.

I went back home and went to the neighbor's house, intending to tell them that I had covertly recorded the entire conversation and filed a police report.
Apparently the husband wasn't home anymore, and his wife came to the door. She was weirdly cordial, invited me inside and asked me if I wanted a drink.
I decided to be nice as well and told her I'd get to work on reinforcing the fence and that I had no issue talking to her about this or any other issues they might have.

I added that I filed a police report against her husband, and that I would refuse to speak to her husband because he's not mentally capable of having a reasonable discussion.
She seemed mildly offended but surprisingly calm about it, though she tried to argue he didn't actually say certain threats. I pulled my phone out, played the audio and said "I already told you I have no issue discussing with you, but we're not going to do this nonsense."
I expected her to get angry but she didn't really respond at all and just said "alright well, just make sure that fence is fixed"

I fixed the fence the next day, but over the next few weeks my guinea pigs started disappearing one by one until I had none left. To this day I don't know what happened to them, and there's no chance they would've gotten through the properly reinforced fencing.

A while back he called my landlord and screamed at him through the phone, complaining that he could see a tiny patch of weeds from one of his upstairs windows on my landlord's property behind my home. My landlord told me he proceeded to laugh at him and left the weeds there just to spite him.
He also broke into my backyard at night and ripped off an entire ivy wallplant just as it reached the top of the wall separating our yards. I filed another police report to document the behavior, though obviously nothing could be done about it.

I bought an alarm pistol to shoot on sight if he steps to my door yelling again.

My other neighbors are cool folks. I told them the story, as well as other locals, and they told me they had heard a wild story about him as well.
The lunatic neighbor runs a construction business and apparently some locals had called him to fix something, but when he visited the house he looked at their dog and said "what kind of abomination is that"
They proceeded to kick him out immediately.

I collected some stories from locals and used a VPN, local wifi etc to tank his google reviews as much as possible. I also included a personal review with audio of him yelling the threats and a copy of the police report.
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Holy **** dude... Sounds like you showed a lot of restraint.

Hopefully you can get him up out of there before long... Whether it be eviction or with the blicky :lol:
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