the Pet Peeve thread

Sep 17, 2006

I cannot stand when you are about to drive somewhere, and the wifey says "oh wait, I forgot something in the house" and proceeds to run out of the car to grab the item while leaving the door wide open so you can't reverse anywhere, and all the AC leaves the vehicle. :smh:
I cannot stand when my hubby gets mad at me when we are about to drive somewhere and I forget something in the house and I proceed to run out of the car to grab the item while leaving the door wide open so he can't reverse anywhere and I let all the AC leave the vehicle :smh:
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This is exactly how TAN started.

TAN 2.0 

But I dont like when people who dont watch a lot of a certain sports team rep that sports team. How are you a Steelers fan and dont know how to properly Pronounce Le'Veon Bells name? "LeVon Bell" 

Stop pretending.
Wen people dont leave a little extra behind for someone who worked extra hard to ensure that they had an excellent experience.
When people stop and have conversations in the middle of public walkways like the street, forcing you to go around them.
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Ppl who talk to me at the gym. Headphones are on full blast. I'm in the zone and ppl wanna talk for like 3 mins

Lemmee alone b
Loud obnoxious people in the theater that feel they have to comment about everything that's happening in the movie. Throwing their hands up making sound effects and ish...
When people eat their food but chew with their mouth open :smh:

one time we were in a teacher meeting during lunch, coworker across me was chomping away and I raised my hand and said, "what is noisier? the unattended student issue that we are discussing, or Ryan chewing his food?"

I thought I was going to end up in HR :nthat:
you know what really grinds my gears?

This Lindsay Lohan.

Lindsay Lohan, jumping around on stage with those little outfits. You know? You're up there jumping around and I'm sitting here with my beer, so what am I supposed to do?

What does she want? Are we going to go out? Is that why you're leaping around there throwing those things all in my face? Huh?

What does she want? Tell me what she wants.

I'll tell ya'll what she wants, she wants nothing. She wants nothing.

Alright? Because we all know that no woman nowhere wants to have sex with anyone, and to titillate us with any thoughts otherwise is just, it's just bogus.
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