Yuku FAQ - Check Here First

Methodical Management

Staff member
Dec 8, 1999
For those with questions about the board, please check Yuku's extensive help pages first.

Here's a link to their detailed FAQ guide: http://help.yuku.com/help20/index.php/How_do_I
and their main help page: http://help.yuku.com/help20/index.php/Main_Page

There's no reason for us to reinvent the wheel. If you're wondering how to post pictures, how to create a signature, how to upload a personal image toappear beneath your user name, how to customize your user profile, etc. all of those answers are right there for you.

Here are links to the Yuku team's answers to some of the most frequently asked questions we receive:

Getting started...
Migrating from ezboard
Creating new stuff...
Using Communities/message boards...
Customising your community...
Interacting with others...
Managing your profile page
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