Miami doctor throws fit when Uber driver refuses to give her a lift

Jan 20, 2002

SEE IT: Miami doctor throws fit when Uber driver refuses to give her a lift, is put on leave from work after video goes viral
BY Laura Bult
Updated: Thursday, January 21, 2016, 9:18 PM



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The doctor is out ... of her mind.

A fourth-year neurology resident threw a temper tantrum caught on camera at an Uber driver who refused to give her a ride after she allegedly attempted to take the fare from someone else, witnesses said.

The young woman, apparently drunk after a night out on the town, was on Thursday identified as Dr. Anjali Ramkissoon. She's been placed on administrative leave from her residency with Jackson Health System in Miami, the medical center said in a statement.

The fledgling M.D. has been "removed from all clinical duties.

"Jackson has launched an internal investigation," the statement reads. "The outcome of the investigation will determine if any disciplinary action will be taken, up to and including termination."
A drunk woman tries to hijack someone else's Uber car before attacking the driver near Miami's Mary Brickell Village shopping center. Juan Cinco/via YouTube
A drunk woman tries to hijack someone else's Uber car before attacking the driver near Miami's Mary Brickell Village shopping center.

Ramkissoon started badgering the Uber driver about giving her a ride, even though he'd been hailed by a different group,according to the person who initially called the cab and who uploaded the video of the attack.


“You don’t know who the f--k you’re messing with right now,” Ramkissoon yells into the driver’s face during the argument outside a Miami shopping center on Sunday, according to the witness, who uploaded the video Tuesday.

When the driver refused, the drunken brat kicked, screamed and starting throwing the cab driver’s possessions out the car window onto the street.
Anjali Ramkissoon, in happier times. Instagram
Anjali Ramkissoon, in happier times.

The video begins when the two are standing outside the cab. The Uber driver is seen restraining the woman by holding her hands and trying to prevent her from getting in his car.

The driver repeatedly asks onlookers to call the cops as the petite woman takes swings at him and attempts to knee him in the groin.

The Uber driver pushes her away at one point, causing the women to fall to the ground.

The driver’s attempt to escape the crazed Miamian while she is on the ground doesn’t work — as she climbs right in the car and yells at him to get in.
The unidentified woman tells the Uber driver that he doesn't "know who the f--k you're messing with right now." Juan Cinco/via YouTube
The unidentified woman tells the Uber driver that he doesn't "know who the f--k you're messing with right now."

“Get in the f-----g car! Get the f--k in this car you f-----g piece of ****!” the woman demands.

The driver refuses to get in the car so the woman starts throwing papers, a cellphone, a pair of scissors and everything else she could find in the car out the window onto the street.

“I have lost my mind!” she said to gawking passersby.

The whole incident ends when the girl gives up and walks away.
Ramkissoon is a fourth-year neurology resident employed by Jackson Health System in Miami. Instagram
Ramkissoon is a fourth-year neurology resident employed by Jackson Health System in Miami.

“I guess that’s it! Good night," she says to onlookers before she walks off.

The person who uploaded the video to YouTube under the username Juan Cinco, said police showed up after he stopped rolling. At that point, Ramkissoon tried to walk away from the scene, the witness wrote.

"Once in handcuffs, she then tried kicking some of the police officers on the scene," the user wrote. "It was only when they put her in the police car that she started crying, apologizing, and claiming that she would lose her medical license (she claimed to be a neurologist) if she got arrested."

The parties later agreed to a cash settlement in lieu of an arrest.

The make-up was not captured on video.

“I know everyone has their bad days, or drunk moments, but this was over the top,” the witness said in the description line of the YouTube video.

“This Uber driver deserves a bonus from the company," he wrote. "It's safe to (say) this girl got off easy."

she basically paid dude off for not pressing charges :lol:
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I woulda slapped her silly and just sped off. He made the mistake of keeping his door unlocked. Surprised charges weren't pressed against her because her career would've been over.
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So question y'all: The cameraman (or someone off camera?) called out her name so clearly they know her. What would you do if that was your home girl? Try to pull her away? Do nothing..record it?
wood smash, giver her a ride, get meds for the stds and sue her for damage to the car

Post her pics OP or this thread failed.
how do you embed articles with the images? never figured it out on here :lol:
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on a serious note. it sucks in this day and age, one bad night can literally erase 12+ years of hard work (college + med school + residency) if it ends up viral on the internet. we've all had our bad nights, doing dumb things while drunk.

p.s. wood smash.
on a serious note. it sucks in this day and age, one bad night can literally erase 12+ years of hard work (college + med school + residency) if it ends up viral on the internet. we've all had our bad nights, doing dumb things while drunk.

p.s. wood smash.

Sounds like you're low key making excuses for her :lol:

She deserves whatever she gets.

Dude had every right to knock her dumb *** out until the cops came.
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she busted up a dude's car and assaulted him.

i dont think she busted up the dudes car. it seems like it was already like that lol - considering he didn't press any charges and asked for a cash settlement that would "pay for his cellphone and maybe cable bill"

Sounds like you're low key making excuses for her :lol:

She deserves whatever she gets.

Dude had every right to knock her dumb *** out until the cops came.

i agree he has the right to knock her dumbass out. but i know for sure there are many Good, descent people out there who turn into a completely different beasts when theyre drunk - breaking things, running around naked, pissing off rooftops, starting fights etc etc. God forbid one of these incidents get caught on tape, your whole career and years of hard work is gone.

Like I said, people gotta get off their high horse. Like that saying goes: let him who is without sin, cast the first stone.
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