NikeTalk is Upgrading to Yuku This Weekend - Be Prepared!

Methodical Management

Staff member
Dec 8, 1999
It's been a long time coming, but beginning this Friday, November 9th, NikeTalk will finally upgrade to Yuku, the next generation message board platform from ezboard.

Here are just a few of the new features you can look forward to following the upgrade:
  • Image hosting (you can upload your pictures directly to Yuku)
  • Unlimited pages per forum (topics won't disappear after the 20th page!)
  • A working search feature that allows you to search the entire board, within a particular forum, or within an individual topic
  • Spellcheck (you're still on your own for grammar - sorry.)
  • Ignore specific users' posts (no need to name any names...)
  • Embed YouTube videos into posts
  • Link Photobucket accounts to your Yuku account
  • Add images into your posts with one click
  • Unlimited private messages for ALL users
  • RSS feeds
  • New WYSIWYG post editor (What You See Is What You Get)

NikeTalk will remain active during the upgrade. We expect little to no downtime.

Be advised that all new posts added between Friday morning and the time our upgrade is complete will NOT be transferred to the new board. Everything else, however, will appear after the upgrade.

Your login names and passwords will be exactly the same as they are now. The new board will look and feel almost identical to the board we have now, with the exception of our new features.

We are fortunate to have ezboard's specialist in forum imports, Peyton, here with us to supervise the transition process and help answer any questions you may have. So, when you see the screen name "ezPeyton" in this thread, know that you may rely on those responses.

Peyton has offered us the following advice regarding the transition for those of you with multiple accounts or linked accounts:

"On yuku, accounts are linked by email address. If you have any old ezboard accounts under your current email address that you unlinked, you will be linked again after the upgrade. If you would like to update your email address and/or password on ezboard, please do so by going to

Control Center > Edit Profile > Change Email Address
Control Center > Account Preferences > Change My Password

If you have any questions about the upgrade please post them here and we'll be more than happy to answer them."

I'd like to thank Peyton, Ceco, and the entire ezboard team for all their hard work. Yuku isn't an ezboard upgrade - it's an entirely new platform built from the ground up. It's a truly massive undertaking. If you enjoy the new platform, be sure to send them a kind word as well.

I'd also like to thank all of you, my fellow members, for your patience and support.

We're all looking forward to turning the page, together, into an exciting new chapter in the history of our community.
Here's a little sneak peek at the Yuku interface:


At the top of the screen, you can see the new navigation bar. Here, you can see all of your new private messages, friend requests, and profile comments. You can also access your image galleries and, by clicking on the navigation button, enter straight into your control panel with no additional load time.

You'll notice the new post creation interface resembles modern word processing software. For this screen, I've clicked the insert image button (the little landscape picture icon) and you can see a number of available image galleries. You can upload and organize your pictures into galleries like these and add them to your posts with a single click. You can even resize them right in the post editor.
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