Sacha Baron Cohen, " Who Is America " .... WoW ..

Jun 14, 2006
dude is hands down the best prankster of this generation. just watch how he gets these politicians to agree to make a video about arming 3 yr old's in school ... AND THEY DO IT !!!

i laughed but was also in shock the whole time watching this, seriously man this is sad how full of **** these people are :smh:

Friday nights Showtime, show was funny :lol:

This past week, Jason Spencer, a Republican state representative from Georgia, revealed that Sacha Baron Cohen had tricked him into shouting “provocative language” during what he thought was a real anti-terrorism training video. Now we know that “provocative language” was the N-word.

The shouting of racial slurs by Spencer, who was recently defeated in a GOP primary after serving four controversial terms, was just one of several unnerving moments from the most outrageous segment in the second episode of Showtime’s Who Is America? Week two of this news-making show also featured former Vice President dikk Cheney signing a “waterboard kit,” Ted Koppel arguing about the size of Donald Trump’s inauguration crowd and The Bachelor’s Corinne Olympios gamely pretending that she helped clean up the Ebola crisis in Africa.

In last week’s premiere, we saw some pretty gullible gun rights advocates fall for Baron Cohen’s deception. But even arguing that toddlers should be armed with guns is nothing compared to the behavior the comedian elicited from Spencer, admittedly a far less prominent and powerful figure than people like Cheney or Bernie Sanders.

Posing again as Israeli terrorism expert Col. Erran Morad, Baron Cohen enlists Spencer, who claims to be a victim of death threats, for a training video on how elected officials can protect themselves from terrorists. The training involves a parade of Islamophobic, homophobic and racist “techniques” that Spencer takes in stride.

This shouldn’t be all that surprising for anyone familiar with Spencer’s record, which has included threats against a black female Democratic colleague and a proposal to ban Muslims from wearing veils. And yet, still, the things that Spencer does and says with Cohen are truly shocking.

When Morad asked Spencer to act like a Chinese tourist in order to take selfie-stick photos up a suspected terrorist’s burka, he obliges, delivering the most racist and ignorant impression you can imagine. When he requests that Spencer scream the “N-word,” the lawmaker does so aggressively and without hesitation. The inevitable joke comes when Baron Cohen asks him, “Are you crazy? The ‘N-word’ is noony, not this word, this word is disgusting.”

At one point, Morad says that terrorists are so afraid of gay people that they think they will become homosexual if you touch them with your bare behind. So Spencer takes off his pants and quite literally bum-rushes his Israeli trainer, shouting, “‘Murica!’”

“A Message to Terrorists from Rep. Jason Spencer” comes in the form of a post-credits sequence. “All you damn sand-******* over in the Middle East, we are tired of you coming to America and we are tired of you trying to threaten us,” he says, inexplicably wielding a knife in front of a green screen. “We will cut off your ****, you understand? We will take your **** and we will shove it in your mouth,” he adds, taking an aggressive bite out of a large sausage. “How are you going to rape children and women without a ****?”

And we've evolved to there are almost no consequences to these actions. It's one big joke now and credit SBC to be the one to expertly put it on display.
Uzi-corn had me
Rolling for some reason.

Miracle it hasnt gotten the boot. for the jewish army caricature.

But i guess they let it slide to ridicules the buffoons in the republican party.
Man what the hell was with the art gallery lady in the ex-con segment from Episode 1 :rofl:
This is hilarious.

I can't believe there are some high ranking politicians who have these views about children and guns. What a bunch of seniles.
That Southern Rep. showing his *** hahahahahhaahah. And then, pretending to be a Chinese Tourist taking taking pics wtf lolololol.

The blatant racism mixed with stupidity is pure comedic gold

The inbred townies with the proposed mosques "blacks are not welcome but we tolerate them".... hahahhahhahhahhahhhahhaha ... fuuuuuuuuuu

America the stupid I tell ya.
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