True Life:" Im a Chubby Chaser" is on mtv right now.

This is how you lose posting privileges:

What was wrong with my last thread for it to be locked? The title was an inside joke amongst us for the "I am a chubby chaser" episode that could lead onto a discussion about our preferences on what we like......and/or discussions about the episode
Originally Posted by milestailsprowe

I need to find Ashley Trashly site

NOOOO!!!!! SHE's on this show?
Real life, we went on a few dates about 5 years ago

I know the site
Gonna check this out.

A big chick has never gotten my eyetention unless she was pretty or I can see some potential if she lost weight
the part with the guy from harlem and the big pornstar chick was scripted as hell. Barbie aka Ashley has been on plenty of other talk shows with her sister. They both are phone sex operators and webcam models. LOL I hate MTV now.
Originally Posted by Livi

the part with the guy from harlem and the big pornstar chick was scripted as hell. Barbie aka Ashley has been on plenty of other talk shows with her sister. They both are phone sex operators and webcam models. LOL I hate MTV now.
Oh man, I came here to say this, the real agenda was to push the gay message, the Harlem cat was there for laughs.
I saw right through this. MTV is somethin' else...
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