NT, What Beer Do You Drink?


Slim thug collaboration beer to celebrate new employment opportunity...
Made the trek up to hill farmstead on Saturday. Interesting drive. Definitely cool to do once, and even though all of what I've had was world class, it's hard to put a number on how far it's worth for a drive out for beer.

Country roads followed by a dirt road leads up to this very unassuming building. Luckily I got there at open before any big lines. It's not the biggest place on the inside.


25 oz growlers were $10 for pretty much everything. You take a number for growler fills. And then there's a separate draft only line. A bit of a slower line than say treehouse.

Society and solitude #4 was nice. Abner just as great. Their citra single hop IPA maybe the best displays of citra I have witnessed. All their beers have this naturally carbonated softish vibe. Maybe from the water or yeast. Great stuff if you're in the area but I don't think anything out there is really trade worthy anymore.

Lawson's Sos a shell of it's former greatness. Or maybe my taste buds have shifted away from the big time pine hop bombs

Cloud drop by upper pass is one of the better breweries doing dipas. Same with frost.
Made it to Suarez Family brewery as per a recommendation by @comparisonford about 2 hours north of NYC. Small time old garage outfit retro fitted into a taproom. Mixed in with some farms and pastures.

No ipas on tap. A few wheat beers. A few pilsners and lagers. One farmhouse ale. Maybe one hoppy sub 6% pale ale


Super fragrant and flavorful despite being all less than 6%. Subtle softness on all of them. Nearing HFS levels. So many breweries feel they have to do a lager/wheat/brown/IPA/red. This place truly doing all the lighter styles really really well.

Prices were a bit pricey given the ABV of these brews. $10 small flip top fills. Cans were $16/four pack for some unflitered pilsners. No samples or flights. Half pint pours were $4ish so not too bad there. Another unique experience.

Got lost leaving HFS. No cell coverage. Same with Suarez. So a heads up for those who travel without Gps. Two ways in and out of alot of these places if you're traveling to other places.
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Wrapping up my time in Beantown.

Treehouse was interesting. People left and right walking away with dollies stacked chest high with cases. I walked out with my one :lol:

Made my way up to Portland, but only got to visit Bissell Brothers. No cans worth grabbing at the time.

Back down to Boston at my hotel in Copley. Back Bay area is pretty dope. Pretty much everywhere is walkable. City is relatively small. Went to Trillium Garden for a pour of Headroom which has been the highlight so far. Walked over to the brewery in Ft Point and picked up a few cans.

Taking the Amtrak to NYC tomorrow morning. First stop hopefully will be pizza then As Is per Wally's rec.
Nothing crazy. Stellas and ipa. Pbr if im at some event with friends
Nice... The store I bought it from only had 1 otherwise I probably would of bought him out but since then I've seen it in my local guys shop he told me this is the first time it was in NYC. He told me it was selling like crazy too. Anyone live in NYC and can recommend a good beer that's accessible in NYC?
i bet. thats not too bad of a price. aftermarket here they for about $20/4pack. i purchased mine directly from the downtoen detroit brewery. ticketed event, not 100% sure on the price, i want to say $80/ticket. each ticket was good for 3 4 packs and 1 bomber. limit 2 tickets.

they just released more this past Friday actually
Is it a hard brew to come by? I just thought they didn't sell it in NY. My local guy was selling it for $32 which I thought was ridiculous but there was a time I would of paid $50 just to try it as it was tops on my list of beers I wanted to try.
Nice... The store I bought it from only had 1 otherwise I probably would of bought him out but since then I've seen it in my local guys shop he told me this is the first time it was in NYC. He told me it was selling like crazy too. Anyone live in NYC and can recommend a good beer that's accessible in NYC?
As Ford stated in the past, you pretty much in the "new" mecca of beer. You'd be remiss to not go to Other Half at the very least in Brooklyn, they are making probably the best hop forward beers next to Treehouse in the country imo.

Aside from Other Half, you have Equilibrium and Hudson Valley which are both world class. Others include Grimm, Singlecut, Threes, Transmitter, Interboro, Barrier, Kings County, Mikkeller, Sand City.

But really, all you need is Other Half :lol: dissapointed they're opening in the second location in Rochester and not DC like originally rumored. DC is a little bit more accessible to me
Is it a hard brew to come by? I just thought they didn't sell it in NY. My local guy was selling it for $32 which I thought was ridiculous but there was a time I would of paid $50 just to try it as it was tops on my list of beers I wanted to try.
Not really. I'm in NY and the shop down the road from me has bombers turding it up at the present moment. If you asked this question 3-4 years ago the answer would have been a resounding "yes," but there's too much newer/
Is it a hard brew to come by? I just thought they didn't sell it in NY. My local guy was selling it for $32 which I thought was ridiculous but there was a time I would of paid $50 just to try it as it was tops on my list of beers I wanted to try.
yes and no. im in Michigan, if you know where to look its pretty accessible. this recent years release has definitely been the easiest to obtain, imo.

and those tickets were $197 for the pair
Nice... The store I bought it from only had 1 otherwise I probably would of bought him out but since then I've seen it in my local guys shop he told me this is the first time it was in NYC. He told me it was selling like crazy too. Anyone live in NYC and can recommend a good beer that's accessible in NYC?
Other Half
LIC Beer Project
Gun Hill

Those are just the breweries. The list of great craft beer is too numerous to count.
Other Half
LIC Beer Project
Gun Hill

Those are just the breweries. The list of great craft beer is too numerous to count.

Thanks dude I'll be on the lookout for these. Any stores you guys recommend. I know the Bowery Brew Room in Whole Foods had the best selection I've seen so far but theres gotta be something better out there.
Thanks dude I'll be on the lookout for these. Any stores you guys recommend. I know the Bowery Brew Room in Whole Foods had the best selection I've seen so far but theres gotta be something better out there.
If you have the time, take the subway to Brooklyn on a random Saturday and stock up on beer at Other Half. There will definitely be a line in the morning but from what I heard, their beer has been lasting well into the afternoon and several days as they've upped production
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