Police shot another man vol. It finally hit home

May 7, 2005
At this point. We just have to wait for more, Police stories are always the same initially, victim X rushed officer Y and officer Y used self defense. 

with that being said, I'm not buying it. the Norfolk PD is mad crooked. know this from family experiences.

RIP to the victim. 
Sounds like the niece's story matches their account though as far as the lunging towards them. I still think they be extra premature to jump to lethal defense though.
Where's the "story" here? The niece's recounting of the events match exactly what the police allege.
Where's the "story" here? The niece's recounting of the events match exactly what the police allege.
People just trying to find a story/angle to blame it on the police. Not saying they're all innocent, but it's becoming a joke now that every case where somebody dies it's always law enforcements fault
Where's the "story" here? The niece's recounting of the events match exactly what the police allege.

The story is that they entered a man's home illegally and killed him..

Where's the warrant? Where's the probable cause? Is it even legal to be in someone's house without a warrant giving commands?

And once more.. I'm buying 0% of that he had a knife crap... We've all seen too many times where the police plant a weapon after the fact to justify their mistakes... It happened last year in South Carolina.

Excuse me for not taking the police at their word... It doesn't seem to be the most trustworthy source nowadays...

He's mentally ill and his family said he's unarmed...

Its simply not adding up...
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One of the officers was wearing a body camera. So .. maybe we'll see what happened.

I just gotta worry about country *** cops, yall really going through it down there. Crazy what difference a few counties and hours makes.
A few weeks ago cops killed a guy my where my mom lives. Story on the news was the guy stole a car the day before, cops saw him at the gas station and tried to approach him, he "tried to run the officer over" and they shot and killed him. Car had veered off to the side and crashed, story seemed to add up. With all the surveillance cameras (especially those in a gas station parking lot), I don't see how a video wouldn't come out if the story was different
People were posting videos/stories the next day "innocent guy trying to pump gas gets killed by police"
People are already protesting when they don't even know what happened...
I mean this with all due respect... Did any of you click any link I posted?

If so you'd see two varying stories...

The cops say a guy lunged at them with a knife.. The family says he's a mentally ill adult that was unarmed..

Secondly, the police were responding to a completely unrelated event when they entered this man's home.... Nobody even called the police to this particular residence...

I'm no lawyer... But there's laws bout entering someones home with no warrant....

I'm sorry that y'all instantly dismiss this is justified or an overreaction... It's neither and I ask for the respect that someone just lost their child/brother/father or whatever right on the steps of their house.. By an officer who wasnt even called to the home..

There's a human element to this, and alot of people with real clout in my city are even saying this ain't adding up... So excuse me if I don't shutup cause a few cats on NT who obviously didn't read the articles say it's an over reaction..

Excuse me for taking this personally when its the very hood I grew up in...

Excuse me for tryna bring attention to a horrible horrible cycle that's become all to common in hopes that it not only brings immediate justice, but a long term change...

If this guy was unarmed like his family said, the officers had multiple non lethal means to subdue him...
Chief Mike Goldsmith says police were first called to the Tidewater Gardens neighborhood around 6:45 to investigate a stolen vehicle. While there, they were alerted to an unrelated disturbance in a nearby residence.

Makes it sound like people told the officers there was an incident.
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Makes it sound like people told the officers there was an incident.

And that's where it gets fuzzy legally to me...

What rights do they have to enter this man's home?

My line of thinking is that the police needed to see an immediate threat of danger to enter without a warrant... And if they came into the house and screamed up the stairs for him, it don't sound like it was all that important to them imo..

Add to that, this is a very aggressive PD, especially in that neighborhood...

I've had more than 5/6 officers pull me over for a bad headlight..... Yet only two went to this dangerous mans house and knocked on the door? Backup is only a call away, especially out that neighborhood cause it's sideways a police presence Riding thru the hood.. Always..

All the politicians are calling for an FBI investigation into the police dept BTW.. For all those that thought I was overreacting...
va757va va757va you can enter someone's home without a warrant or probable cause if you have CONSENT. Not sure if that was the case here or not but just helping you out with that point.
In a statement issued Friday, Chief Goldsmith says officers were investigating a stolen vehicle in the 400 block of Chapel Street when community members asked for their help at a nearby residence.

Goldsmith says the two officers responded, and when they then entered the home, they were directed to James, who was upstairs. As the officers stood at the bottom of the stairwell, James pulled out a knife and charged at them, despite the officers’ attempt to give verbal commands, Goldsmith says.

The man’s niece says her uncle had been verbally arguing with another family member.

“We was like, ‘He upstairs, he alright.’ We told them, ‘He alright.’ They were like, ‘No,’ told him to come down. He came out the room. They said, ‘Put your hands up.’ He put his hands up, then he start talking the way he be, like crazy talking, then he jumped down like three steps and they unloaded on him and I took off running.”
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