Syria Conflict vol. Pretty serious

That's his out.

He doesn't want top wind up like Hussein or Gaddafi and I can't blame him.  If his back is against the wall he'll trade the chemical weapons for his being able to seek asylum.

The fact is, the people whoa re going to replace him will be no better than him. Look at what's going on in Egypt or Libya. Are the replacements better than the old guard?
Against their own citizens.
Those aren't his citizens.

These folks were and are at each others throats for centuries.

Assad is an Alawaite (which is a Shi'ia sect). The opposition is mostly Sunni. The Christians and Shi'ia are on Assads side for obvious reasons. This is sectarian politics on a grand scale. If the opposition takes power they'll force most of the Shi'ia and Christians out of Syria (at best).

This isn't as black and white as the media portrays it.
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