Muhammed Ali... has passed.


Staff member
Apr 30, 2004
Maaaaaaan, this is the saddest I've been over someone I had never met since hearing Magic Johnson is HIV positive.

This man was such a catalyst for change, and if every one of us has 1/100th of his willingness to be the bad guy if it meant exposing things people don't want to see, what a different world we would be living in.

The world is a worst place now that he's no longer in it, but is a much better place for the time he was here.

From the world he was born into to the world he left today, my goodness did he help improve it.

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Liston twice
Frazier twice
Foreman at his peak
Perfect fight vs Williams
3 time champ
Won the hearts of the entire country
Stood up for his political beliefs and paid the price

I'm in shock. Gonna watch Zaire. Favorite athlete of all time for sure
athletes today would never have the courage to do what he did and stand up for what they believe in like he did.

This is honestly what I think of more than I picture him as a boxer.
Damn it man!!! Damn [emoji]128546[/emoji] Rip goat he went down fighting, thanks for the memories champ
Just gonna post the same **** in all these threads.

Max Kellerman, yes, from ESPN and HBO once did a record with his brother called "Rumble Young Man Rumble".

Full song below. Full vid not on Youtube which is pretty strange.
Man I didn't have a good feeling when I heard he was hospitalized a few days ago.

I don't really get the "shock" talk, but I certainly understand the sadness. There are details on his life I'm still not keen on, but there are plenty of books and documentaries to check out. He was always vibrant, even through his medical conditions and age. He lived a full life way before he got old.
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